Trina Barkle

…. and it starts, but will never end.

I was once at a huge, 10 block, Renaissance festival with my beautiful daughters. There were more sites, activities, stores and food booths than anyone could visit in one day. As we walked around the first main corner, we came upon an interesting tent, decorated with many colors, beads and trinkets. I felt an instant draw to this tent and had a deep desire to go inside. As I walked closer I saw a sign saying that it was a gypsies tent, who performs readings of your future.  What I didn’t know is that she read your future and history.  

I didn’t believe in this sort of thing, but thought it would be fun and interesting what she said.  She started slow and gave some general information about me.  Most people could guess that information, so I wasn’t impressed as of yet. 

All my life I’ve had a problem with choking and would choke on nearly anything and sometimes nothing at all.  One of my many near death experiences had to do with choking on chocolate milk, where I went blue and passed out.  I always wondered why I had such a sensitive neck, more so than anyone I know.  I would even rip necklaces off because I felt I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t wear turtle necks, round necks or even get too hot or I felt as if someone was strangling me.

After a few moments with the gypsy, I felt a sudden connection with a great deal of energy flowing through my body, a peace surrounded me and I relaxed into a meditative state.  It was then that the fortune teller leaned in a bit closer, held my hand gently and said in a deep soothing tone, “Your neck is sensitive because you were strangled in a past life.”

This was the first time anyone mentioned that I had a past life and with the religion that I was raised with, I never was brought up to believe in such things, but how did she know that my neck was so sensitive.  I never told her, nor indicated this.  How many lives have I had?  How many more will I have?  I’ve discovered many mysterious things over the years and I’m excited to share them with you.