It is I

The original, one and only Trina Barkle.

Any Barkle that you will ever meet is my relative. Originally my last name was Barkla, but when we came to America, they spelled it wrong. Barkle is pronounced like sparkle, but with a “B”.

Why am I creating a site?

  • Because it gives you context. My history, recommendations and the experiences of three lifetimes.
  • Because it will helps me focus own ideas about my future, experiences of the past and knowledge I’ve received along the way.

The biggest lesson I’ve learned is to love everyone. With some of the harsh lessons I’ve experienced, loving everyone was very difficult at times. On occasion, loving myself was even difficult.

I would love to help you, your life, your soul, your relationships:

  • What is going on with your life?
  • What topics would you like to hear more about?
  • Do you have a story that you would like to share?
  • What kind of feedback would you bless me with?

We constantly evolve as we learn, grow, and interact with one another.

With Complex Regional Pain Syndrome being my new best friend, experiencing many horrors in life, having 6 near death experiences, seeing good and evil spirits and loving to share my opinion … we have lots to share and experience together.

Welcome to my life.

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