The Doctor’s Book Of Survival Home Remedies

You’ll want this war chest on your nightstand when the Great Healthcare Reset causes a total collapse of our healthcare system.

Because when you can’t access medications, this will hand you everything you need to keep yourself and your family healthy.

Whether that’s in the face of chronic health issues, infections or emergency situations.

Here’s just a glimpse of what you’ll find inside…The Secret To Handling Infections Using Items Found In Your Kitchen

Did you know you can make antibiotics out of fruit?! Create your own antibiotics at home to keep yourself and your family safe from bacterial and viral infections even when your access to medication is cut off. You’ll get step-by-step instructions inside your copy.

Next, you’ll discover a herb commonly known as ‘butterfly weed’, that helps you with countless health issues that come with an infection. Including a cough. Cold. Flu. Pneumonia. Or bronchitis.

And while we’re talking about infections… there’s one specific infection that’s deadlier than breast cancer! In fact, it kills more people than BOTH malaria and breast cancer already. And the terrible hygiene conditions in a survival scenario are only going to help it spread even faster. What’s worse is, it’s even resistant to all drugs. Fortunately, there’s one special kitchen remedy that can help your body heal itself from this deadly infection – even when everything else fails.

This next one is particularly important for preppers. Do you make this mistake while stockpiling survival food? This common storage mistake could cause you and your loved ones to suffer from a serious case of food poisoning at a time when help is not around. On Page 143, you’ll discover the 3 common survival foods you should never stockpile because they’re notorious for causing food poisonings.

If you do end up with food poisoning… You’ll be grateful to have this handy. This herb is better than activated charcoal at banishing food poisonings from canned food. Just add one spoon of this into a cup of boiling water to naturally fight your symptoms.

Finally, you’ll learn about how Americans who used a little-known medical practice, created by a man from a tiny Virginia town, survived the Spanish Flu in far greater numbers than those that were treated with standard medical practices? Discover exactly what made the difference between life and death for these people. And how you can use the same secret when you’re faced with a viral infection.

Yes!  I Want To Be Prepared For Any Emergency!

How To Deal With Emergency Situations That Previously Required A Trip To The ER

Did you know you can make your own chloroform at home? Mixing these 2 ingredients gives you an anesthetic that’s 4.5 times more powerful than what you get at a hospital. So, the next time you find someone who needs emergency surgery, but roads or hospitals are closed, you can use chloroform as an anesthetic to help them without causing any pain. You don’t want to risk being caught in an emergency situation without this.

Another thing you’ll need to be prepared for in a survival scenario is emergency situations like burns. Fortunately, there’s a traditional healer that is widely known as the “burn plant”. Whether you’re dealing with a less intense burn at home, or you find yourself in a survival scenario like a terrorist attack, wildfire or explosion… just apply the gel from this plant to find relief and kickstart the healing process.

…and much more! I’m barely scratching the surface of everything you’ll find in the Doctor’s Book of Survival Home Remedies.

Remember, it’s The ONLY collection of survival home remedies written by a doctor.

Once you have this on your shelf, you’ll sleep soundly at night knowing you and your family are safe.

But wait… there’s more.

IF You Get your Copy of The Doctor’s Book of Survival Home Remedies Today … 

… You’ll Also Receive Three Exclusive Reports That Will Be Off The Table Soon…

I’m adding these because I want to make sure you have absolutely everything you need to thrive, not just survive, in any health scenario. We don’t know what the future may hold for us. The only thing we can control is how we prepare for right now. The first free report you’ll get is called…

Special Report #1:
Drugs That Kill: The Most Dangerous Pills In Your Cabinet

Drugs That Kill: The Most Dangerous Pills In Your Cabinet
*this book is a Digital Product

If you’re taking any of these pills, you’ll want to switch over to herbal alternatives right away!I honestly won’t be surprised if you’re already taking more than one on this list.

Here’s what they don’t want you to know. Every pill in this report has serious side effects they hope you never hear about.  For each side effect, they simply prescribe you yet another equally dangerous pill.

So you’re stuck in a loop of taking medication (and lining up their pockets), practically forever. Take arthritis medication for example. The most prescribed arthritis medication has been linked to serious side effects like heart failure and even cancer. Even cholesterol medications, called statins, which are taken by over 35 million Americans, are known to cause kidney and liver issues.

I’d hate to see you become a victim of additional health issues just because you took the pills your doctor prescribed you. That’s why I want you to carefully examine this list.

Once you know that a drug is bad for you, I recommend you immediately switch over to safer alternatives that you’ll also get inside this report.

Alright, so now that I know you’ll be safe from dangerous pills…I’ll also send you…

Special Report #2:  Your At Home Emergency Room: The Doctor’s Guide To Surviving An Emergency

Your At Home Emergency Room: The Doctor's Guide To Surviving An Emergency
*this book is a Digital Product

It doesn’t matter whether you’re dealing with a blackout, a natural disaster or you’re just traveling through rural areas. Without the ability to access a hospital, the survival of your family is in your hands. That’s where this report comes in. It’s designed to help you successfully deal with situations that normally require an ER visit – at the comfort of your own home.

  • First, you’ll get the secret to activating the body’s natural healing response… even without doctors or medical equipment. You’ll be using the only thing you always carry around with yourself.
  • Next, you’ll get the doctor’s guide to dealing with broken bones, burns, skin infections, back pain, abdominal pain, cuts and contusions…
  • And finally, you’ll even discover the 5 most common threats to your health in any survival scenario – and what you must do right now to prepare for them…

That’s not all. You’ll also get…

Special Report #3:
Hidden Healers: Unexpected Household Items That Can Save Your Life

Hidden Healers: Unexpected Household Items That Can Save Your Life
*this book is a Digital Product

Get your Copy of The Doctor’s Book of Survival Home Remedies Now!

An emergency situation means you don’t have time to do a supermarket run to find the right herbs! That’s why this report gives you unexpected items hidden in your home RIGHT NOW that have the power of saving your life. Take super glue, for example, which can help you close up your wound if you don’t like the idea of sewing yourself up. And yes, it’s safe! Or credit cards. Did you know you can use them to remove a bee stinger without releasing more venom – or to remove a splinter?

Even your washroom essentials have a purpose! While toothpaste helps soothe burns, the high alcohol content in Listerine is effective in killing infections in any wound. With this report, you’ll be prepared to deal with any emergency even if you’re stuck inside your house.

Like I said, you’re going to get all 3 reports totally FREE of charge when you get the Doctor’s Book of Survival Home Remedies. You’re probably wondering…

“How Much Is This Going To Cost Me?”

Look, this war chest of herbal remedies is the only ammunition you can get against the drug shortage. No other doctor out there has dedicated over a decade of his life to researching scientifically proven herbal remedies.

That means Dr. Herzog is the most qualified person to help you in a survival scenario. Now, you could personally consult with him when you face a health issue. Right now Dr. Herzog charges a starting rate of $350 per consultation – and he only has limited slots available.

That’s why he wants The Doctor’s Book of Herbal Remedies to reach as many Americans as possible. So you can access all his knowledge on herbal remedies and treat your health issues at home…Without paying a huge price tag in medical fees. This will be especially valuable when, on top of the Great Healthcare Reset…We’re also faced with another survival scenario like a pandemic, an EMP or anything else that makes it impossible for you to access a doctor.

Considering Dr. Herzog’s war chest of herbal remedies is your only saving grace against drug shortages…I can easily ask you for a three figure price tag. I’d probably make a pretty penny doing that. Someone who has chronic health issues and a family to take care of…I understand how truly terrifying a future without medication is.

Along with The Doctor’s Book of Survival Home Remedies, you’ll also get…

  • Special Report #1: Drugs That Kill: The Most Dangerous Pills In Your Cabinet
  • Special Report #2: Your At Home Emergency Room: The Doctor’s Guide To Surviving An Emergency
  • Special Report #3: Hidden Healers: Unexpected Household Items That Can Save Your Life

Each of these reports is worth at least $29 individually. Take a look at what some of our customers have to say about Dr. Herzog’s collection…

“My copy is a great book for people that look for ways to survive – and take care of me and my family… Many people believe things will be great but I’m worried about my family and kids and grandkids. This book helps with information that will help keep us alive and healthy. I have been truly excited since receiving this book. I was a medic in the military and want to try to stay on top of these kinds of things. Thank you for the coverage of topics in this book and the broad spectrum of information.”–   Fred Paul

“I liked your book very much. I went through it to see if it would be helpful if the SHTF, and decided that it would be very helpful. It now resides with my favorite books on the subject.”– Jacqueline Lee

“I have received the book. Love it! I share info with my family & co-workers almost daily. Thank you so much!”– Stephanie Street  

“I have many books on home remedies, also herb books as well and the most common problem is not supplying current information. Most just copy older copies who copy even older copies. Your information seemed more up to date and relevant. What I like is to pick up the book, find the topic, and read the information. Your book gives me everything I am looking for.”– C. Leubecke

Don’t Wait!  Get your Copy of The Doctor’s Book of Survival Home Remedies Today!

The 10 Best Tips for Your Next Tent Camping Adventure!

While some people have it down to a science, tent camping can be quite intimidating if you’re new to it. Get a tent with lousy instructions, for example, and putting it together can be as much fun as assembling furniture.

Even if you are able to pitch your tent without having any major hiccups, there are still lots of little do’s and don’ts that can make or break your trip.

Upgrade your outdoor adventures with our Metal Outdoor Threading Tent Stakes! Made from high-quality metal, these stakes provide reliable stability for your tent. No more worrying about your tent collapsing in windy conditions. Focus on creating lasting memories instead!

For example, did you know you don’t have to use the cheap plastic stakes that come with your tent? You can buy heavy duty metal threading stakes on for easy and tough tent stakes.Whether it’s your first time camping in a tent or you just want to know what you might not know, here are 11 game-changing tent camping tips. 



Tents are Not one-size-fits-all, there are dozens of styles to choose from. Before you shop for a tent, ask yourself what kind of tent camping you plan on doing. Will you be backpacking or needing to carry it far distances? Is it important to you that you’re able to stand up in it? What seasons will you be camping in? Info Alert: waterproof completely blocks out moisture while water-resistant is more of a deterrent. Man building a campfire in front of his tent at KOA with a puppy nearby.


While a tent may be advertised for a certain number of people, if you’re concerned about having enough space, always divide that number by two.For example, a two-person tent is comfortable for one person, a four-person tent is comfortable for two people, etc.Obviously, if you’re backpacking or concerned about weight, you’ll want to stick with a smaller tent. But as a general rule of thumb, buy big. That being said, never buy a tent tarp that’s smaller than your tent. It can collect rainwater that seeps inside. Man traveler wearing winter coat with sitting and holding a coffee cup in orange tent on campsite in the winter snow.


While tents come ready-to-go  it can pay off to spray them with an insecticide like Permethrin before each camping season. You can also treat your tent with a durable water repellent spray like Nikwax. In addition to keeping water out, it blocks UV rays and extends the lifespan of your tent. If you want to, you can also apply sealant to the seams to ensure water stays out. Young woman zipping the screen to her tent at a KOA campground.


Because conditions may not be ideal when you arrive at your campsite, practice setting up your tent at home in your yard or even in your living room. Even if you have a tent that’s simple to set up, there’s usually a slight learning curve, and the practice at home will pay off in the field. Also, before you leave for your trip, make sure you have all of the parts. Few things are worse than arriving at the campground only to find you’re missing a pole. Father and son setting up tent at campsite.


You can be a professional tent pitcher with the world’s best tent, but if you pitch it in  the wrong spot, you’re doomed. Make sure the ground you’re on is level, or if that’s not possible, that you’re sleeping with your feet downhill, and try to avoid standing water. It’s also best to look for a natural windbreak and pitch your tent in the shade both to stay cool and to prevent sun damage on your tent.  Closeup of two hikers hands grabbing tent ground steaks.


Driving cheap plastic or thin metal stakes into the ground, especially if it’s frozen, can be Difficult. You’ll want to get quality metal stakes and use a tent stake hammer if you can. The most common mistake that new tent campers make is not staking their tent securely to the ground. Few things are as embarrassing as having to chase down a tent that’s been picked up by a gust of wind. Should your stakes go straight in or angled? Most sources say vertical; however, if you have lines you need to keep taut, a 45-degree angle may work better. 


Even if your tent is waterproof or has a rainfly, that doesn’t mean water won’t seep in through mesh windows. Humidity, from your breath and the air outside, can also cause condensation to form on the inside walls of your tent. For that reason, pretend the walls of your tent are hot lava and don’t have anything that you don’t want to get damp against them. Father and son sit by a tent eating soup during a camping trip.


Unless you want to wake up to a bear or a raccoon with bad morning breath, don’t store anything edible in your tent. Instead, store it inside of your vehicle or in the lockers provided at the campground. Similarly, don’t leave food wrappers or dirty dishes laying around your campsite. Keep your tent site clean. 


What is something many seasoned tent campers have in common? A welcome mat. Not only does this piece of affordable décor make your campsite seem more like home, but it also has a useful function. After all, you’ll need a place to wipe your shoes, so you don’t track dirt into your tent. On that note, it’s also smart to bring a little broom and dustpan, especially if you have kids and/or a dog. Four friends setting up their tent in the mountains by adding a rain fly.


How long your tent lasts depends on how well you store it. I went to Bryce Canyon in Utah, we had all of our gear, but when we pulled that tent out of the original bag and there were holes all over it. The tent material literally disintegrate in my hands from mildew, mold and compression stress.You can avoid this by airing out your tent, by hanging it up, for several days as soon as you get home. Even if it’s dry. Then, instead of putting it back in its bag, store it in a large storage bin or a new secure strong bag that breathes. Your tent will last longer and you’ll not get caught on top of a mountain without a tent.Using these top 10 tips can make your next outdoor adventure easier and more enjoyable.  Let me know if you have other tips that can be shared. Presented by Coach Trina at

10 Best Gifts For The DIY Guy: Perfect Presents to Ignite Creativity

Do you have a DIY enthusiast in your life, someone who is always tinkering, fixing, and creating? Finding the perfect gift for these handy individuals can sometimes be a challenge.

Fear not! We’ve curated a list of the 10 best gifts for the DIY guy in your life. From tools to gadgets to project kits, these gifts are sure to ignite their creativity and keep them busy for hours on end. Whether they’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there’s something here for every DIY aficionado.

Multi-Tool Set: A high-quality multi-tool set is a must-have for any DIY enthusiast. Look for one with a variety of attachments such as screwdrivers, pliers, and a saw. This versatile tool will come in handy for a wide range of projects, from simple repairs to more complex builds.

Tool Organizer: Help your DIY guy keep their workspace tidy with a durable tool organizer. Look for one with plenty of compartments and pockets to store all their essential tools. A portable organizer with a handle makes it easy to transport their tools wherever they go.

Woodworking Kit: For the DIY guy who loves working with wood, a woodworking kit is the perfect gift. Look for a kit that includes everything they need to get started, such as wood, tools, and instructions for a few beginner-friendly projects.

DIY Electronics Kit: For the DIY guy who loves tinkering with electronics, a DIY electronics kit is sure to be a hit. Look for a kit that includes components like resistors, capacitors, and LEDs, along with instructions for building a variety of projects, from simple circuits to more complex gadgets.

Power Tools: A power tool is a staple in any DIY enthusiast’s arsenal. Look for a cordless ones with multiple speed settings and a rechargeable battery for maximum versatility.

3D Printer: Take your DIY guy’s projects to the next level with a 3D printer. With a 3D printer, they can bring their ideas to life by creating custom parts, prototypes, and more. Look for a printer that’s easy to use and has a large build volume for maximum versatility.

DIY Robot Kit: For the DIY guy who loves robotics, a DIY robot kit is the perfect gift. Look for a kit that includes all the necessary components, such as motors, sensors, and a microcontroller, along with instructions for building and programming a variety of robots.

Leatherworking Kit: If your DIY guy has a flair for the artistic, a leatherworking kit is sure to inspire their creativity. Look for a kit that includes everything they need to get started, such as leather, tools, and instructions for a few beginner-friendly projects like wallets or belts.

Preppers Survival Handbook: Help your DIY guy expand their knowledge and skills with a few good home improvement books. Look for books that cover a variety of topics, from basic repairs to more advanced projects like plumbing or electrical work.

Gift Card to a Hardware Store: When in doubt, a gift card to a hardware store is always a safe bet. Your DIY guy can use it to stock up on supplies for their next project or splurge on that one tool they’ve been eyeing for months.

Finding the perfect gift for the DIY guy in your life doesn’t have to be a challenge. With this list of the 10 best gifts for DIY enthusiasts, you’re sure to find something that will ignite their creativity and keep them busy for hours on end.

Whether it’s a versatile multi-tool set, a high-quality power drill, or a cutting-edge 3D printer, these gifts are sure to be a hit with any DIY aficionado. So go ahead, pick out the perfect gift, and watch as your DIY guy’s imagination takes flight!

Presented by Coach Trina at

How To Earn Money at Home: 16 Legitimate Ways

So you’re looking for ways to make money from home… Join the crowd!

Thanks to a genius invention called the internet, Americans are discovering more and more creative ways to cushion their bank accounts from the comforts of home.

Not sure where to start? Pour yourself a cup of coffee (or glass of wine), and keep reading.

How to Make Money From Home

If you’re looking to make money online, you’ll need to exercise caution. There are a lot of scams out there, but don’t fret: We’ve tested dozens, if not hundreds, of different money-making strategies and included only our favorites.

Yup — none of them involve Nigerian princes, and you really will get paid.

Without further ado, here are 16 legitimate ways to earn extra cash from home.

1. Earn Cash While Watching Cooking Videos Online

If we told you that you could get paid to watch videos on your computer, you’d probably laugh.

It’s too good to be true, right?

But we’re serious. There’s a website that will pay you to watch short video clips online. One minute you might watch someone bake brownies and the next you might get the latest updates on Chef Gordon.

All you have to do is choose which videos you want to watch and answer a few quick questions about them afterward.

No, it won’t replace your full-time job, but it’s something easy you can do while you’re already on the couch tonight wasting time on your phone.

Unlike other sites, these site pays you in cash — no points or gift cards. It’s already paid its users more than $56 million.

To find out more about how to get started with this opportunity, and other work-at-home opportunities like it, get the book ‘Work-At-Home Secrets’ from John Crestani for only $1 here.

2. Play Free Scratch-off Tickets

There’s something so satisfying about those gas station scratch-off tickets, but it’s better to avoid them because, well, that’s not Penny Hoarding.

Instead, try scratching for free! Each day, it releases a new assortment of digital scratch-off tickets. Luck-tastic says instant wins range from $1 to $10,000. You can also earn tokens that you can exchange for free gift cards to retailers including Amazon, Walmart, Kohl’s, Sephora and more.

The app is supported by advertising, which allows it to keep the payouts high and the games free.

To find out more about how to get started with this opportunity, and other work-at-home opportunities like it, get the book ‘Work-At-Home Secrets’ from John Crestani for only $1 here.

3. Earn up to $60/Hour Helping Small Business Owners

Does earning $60 an hour sound appealing? And you don’t even have to leave your house? Oh, and you get to help others.

You don’t have to have a CPA to be successful in this business. In fact, all you really need are decent computer skills and a passion for helping business owners tackle real-world problems.

It’s a great opportunity for moms who want to work part time, millennials who are just out of college and anyone who wants to bring in real money while working from home.

To find out more about how to get started with this opportunity, and other work-at-home opportunities like it, get the book ‘Work-At-Home Secrets’ from John Crestani for only $1 here.

4. Make up to $15/Hour to Pick up Milk for Your Neighbors

The grocery store is a surprisingly zen place. Somewhere between the soothing elevator music, the free samples and the wafting aroma of rotisserie chicken, you settle into a peaceful groove. 

None of the stress of work or home — it’s just you and the aisles.

Even better than getting paid to grocery shop? If you need the money, like, now, you can cash out instantly after each delivery.

Holly Gaston, of San Francisco, California, has tried plenty of side gigs. With Postmates, she makes an average of $15 an hour. Plus, she says it’s been much more enjoyable than any of her previous side gigs.

Signing up shouldn’t take you more than about three minutes. Get the ‘Work-At-Home Secrets’ book by John Crestani to learn more about current work-at-home opportunities.

5. Earn up to $25/Hour Delivering Food

Cities around the country are filled with two things: incredible restaurants and busy people.

You can help connect them by delivering food through a variety of apps. 

As a “Dasher,” you’ll work as an independent contractor, setting your own hours and working as much or little as you want, meaning how much you can make is up to you. 

You’ll earn a $6 fee for each delivery, plus keep 100% of your tips. Depending on the day, you could earn up to $25 an hour. If you drive full time, that’s $1,000 a week! 

For a real-life case, Jose Neri, a former Dasher in California, reports earning $500 to $600 a week working just lunches and dinners. They could take about two-and-a-half deliveries an hour, and users would tip between 10% and 15%. 

All you need to get started is an insured vehicle or a bicycle and a smartphone. You should be at least 18 years old and have a valid driver’s license. 

6. Get Paid When Your Neighbor’s Dog Spends the Night

We all want an extra paycheck, but none of us want to get a second job — we’re already exhausted from the first one. Or maybe you’re disabled, retired or a stay-at-home parent who needs a little extra money in the bank.

What if there were a way to do that and get your puppy fix at the same time? 

Rover is a website that connects neighbors who need a dog sitter with people who love having an extra dog (or two) spend the night.  

The average Rover sitter earns $450 a month, but we spoke with stay-at-home mom Bryn Wied, who quickly started earning upwards of $500.  

Within two months, I was turning away business,” says Wied, who dog sits in California. “Within three months, I raised my prices to what everyone else was charging.” 

It’ll take a little effort upfront, though (to filter out all the Cruella de Vils). You’ll create a Rover profile where you’ll answer questions about your experience with puppers and set your availability and prices. 

Dog owners will reach out to you, and before you know it, you’ll be snuggled up with all the neighborhood dogs — and making extra money.

7. Copy This Strategy to Get Checks in the Mail Totaling $526

Remember when getting the mail was fun? Now it’s just bills and Valpak envelopes.

But for Colleen Rice, checking the mail meant finding checks. For doing nothing.

Seriously. Since she started using a free website called Digistore, she’s received $526.44. 

Rakuten has the hookup with just about every online store you shop, which means it can give you a kickback every time you buy toilet paper on Amazon — even book that flight home for Thanksgiving. 

Rice says she uses Digistore for things she already has to buy, like rental cars and flights. She even used the money she earned to help her pay for her recent cross-country move. 

It takes less than 60 seconds to create a Digistore Account and start shopping. All you need is an email address, then you can immediately start shopping your go-to stores through the site. 

Talk about money for nothing.

Learn about more work-at-home opportunities by getting our digital workbook for only $1 through this link here.

8. Create an Online Course

You don’t need experience or a degree to make money teaching on Udemy.

If people want to learn what you have to teach, you can create a potentially profitable video course at home. 

9. Sell Your Crafts, Vintage Finds and Even Project Supplies

If you’re creative, you can make some decent money selling your work through Etsy. Although there are some fees, including a 5% transaction charge, the marketplace connects you with more than 33 million buyers globally.

That’s a whole lot of potential customers.

Even if you aren’t creating masterpiece paintings or elegant jewelry or adorable baby clothes, you can still make money through the platform. For example, one Penny Hoarder contributor, Janet Berry-Johnson, made about $200 a month selling needlecraft kits and patterns.

Maybe you’re more of a vintage type? Adventure through flea markets and even eBay to find vintage items you can fix up and resell through the platform.

Get the ‘Work-At-Home Secrets’ book by John Crestani to learn more about current work-at-home opportunities.

10. Start a Blog

The startup costs for blogs are minimal: Just secure your domain name and hosting — you can get a domain for as little as $1 at then host your website and start blogging. 

You’ll need to write some quality content and start sharing it through social media. Once you feel comfortable, you can monetize your blog through Google AdSense, YouTube and affiliate programs for some nice passive income. 

11. Get Your True Crime Fix by Joining a Mock Jury

Jury duty isn’t always fun, but what if you could do it from the comfort of home? Becoming an online mock juror can be an interesting way to make some extra money.

Here’s how it works: Attorneys present cases to online juries as a way to test it before trial — to find that’s working and what isn’t and craft the best arguments. 

You can sign up as an online juror through a site like eJury. When a new case is submitted, you’ll be notified. Jump in to review the case and answer questions. You can earn $5 to $10 per case, depending on its length.

12. Make Money Doing Voice-Overs

Janna Polzin, a stay-at-home mom in Toronto, earns money by talking to herself. In her closet.

After her son was born in 2013, the stage actress turned to the online acting community and kept hearing about one voice-acting platform again and again.

I often walk away from my computer thinking, I can’t believe I just made money from that!” she says. 

Get the ‘Work-At-Home Secrets’ book by John Crestani to learn more about this as well as other similar work-at-home opportunities.

13. Use Your Type-A Skills as a Virtual Assistant

If you have a knack for organization and communication, you just might make the perfect virtual assistant.

These days, you don’t have to be the busy corporate assistant you see in old movies or on TV. You can work right from your couch. 

Folks will pay you to help schedule their days, answer emails, update their website, run social media accounts and book travel accommodations — all from the comfort of your couch. 

To find open virtual assistant jobs, get this digital workbook for $1 to learn about current work-from-home job boards. 

14. Sell Your Old Books for Amazon Gift Cards

Have old college textbooks taking up valuable shelf space? You could host a garage sale or sell them on eBay or Craigslist, but one of the easiest ways to get rid of them is through Amazon.

With Amazon Trade-In, you can trade in your used textbooks, plus other items, like electronics, in exchange for an Amazon gift card. 

Just enter the item’s information on Amazon’s Trade-In page to see how much you could pocket. Shipping is free.

15. Teach People Interesting Things On Youtube!

Did you know you can get paid 6-figures or more as a teacher? Thats exactly what Youtube celebrity John Crestani has done by teaching marketing.

I get paid $15,000 or more per month from Youtube to simply post videos every day, and teach people subjects they want to know about.” says Crestani. 

My goal has always been to become the number one marketing teacher in the world, and the most reasonable way to impact the most people was posting videos on Youtube.

Learn more about John Crestani by watching his videos.

16. Sell Your Photos (Even If You Took Them With Your Phone)

Fancy yourself a solid amateur photographer? Instead of posting all day, every day, to Instagram, why not turn your work into some extra cash?

Start with a stock photography marketplace like Foap.

Download the Foap app, then upload your photos — even if you took them with your phone. When your photo is purchased, you automatically profit. Because Foap does most of the legwork, you’ll split the profit 50-50.

Want to go even bigger? Upload high-quality images to Shutterstock, one of the more popular stock photography sites. Each time your photo (or video) is sold, you pocket up to 30% of the sale price (while retaining the copyright).

Let the ‘Work-At-Home Secrets’ book to learn more about current work-at-home opportunities like this.

Our Favorite Work-From-Home Advice

Making money from home sounds all glitz and glam — and it can be, in a sweatpants kind of way. But there are also things you need to know before fully diving in. Here are a few resources to help you get started:

  • If you’re looking for a full-time work-from-home job, we highly recommend you subscribe to a few YouTube channels and keep learning. 
  • Listen: There are a lot of work-from-home scams out there, so be sure to use your best judgement. We recommend you get this workbook, common illegitimate work-at-home ploys are discussed — so you can be well aware of whats legitimate and whats not.
  • Remember: Don’t be afraid to spend money on additional training in order to learn how to get started in your work-at-home career; the job market is rapidly shifting and as the saying goes, ‘Those who know are those that grow!’

Happy working from home!

Presented by Coach Trina at

How to Improve Your Credit Score for Adulting Noobs

Establishing good credit is a crucial step for young adults as they navigate the financial landscape. Good credit opens doors to better opportunities, from securing a loan for a car or a home to getting approved for a credit card with favorable terms. Why is building good credit so important, and how can it benefit young adults in the long run?

Good credit is a reflection of your financial responsibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of lenders. It can impact your ability to borrow money, rent an apartment, or even land a job. A strong credit history can lead to lower interest rates on loans, saving you money in the long term. Additionally, good credit can provide a safety net in times of financial need, giving you access to emergency funds when necessary.

Top 5 Actions to Improve Credit

1. Pay bills on time: Payment history makes up a significant portion of your credit score, so make sure to pay all bills, including credit card bills, on time.

2. Keep credit card balances low: Aim to keep your credit card balances below 30% of your credit limit to demonstrate responsible credit usage.

3. Limit new credit applications: Opening multiple new credit accounts in a short period can lower your average account age and negatively impact your credit score.

4. Monitor your credit report: Regularly check your credit report for errors or fraudulent activity that could harm your credit score.

5. Diversify your credit mix: Having a mix of credit types, such as credit cards, student loans, and a mortgage, can show lenders that you can manage different types of debt responsibly. A car loan is a quick method to enhance your credit score, if payments are made on time and the full loan is paid off ahead of schedule.

By following these top actions to improve credit, young adults can set themselves up for a more secure financial future. Building good credit takes time and discipline, but the benefits of a strong credit history are well worth the effort.

This How To is presented by Coach Trina @

The 10 Most Sought-After Bartering Items in an Emergency

In times of crisis, having valuable items for bartering can be essential for survival. Consider stocking up on items that have long-term value and are in high demand during emergencies.

Here are the top 10 most sought-after bartering items in an emergency:

1. Water

Water is a basic necessity for survival. In an emergency situation, clean drinking water may become scarce, making it a highly sought-after bartering item.

Make sure to have water purification tablets or water filtration devices on hand.

2. Non-perishable Food

Non-perishable food items like canned goods, rice, and dried fruits are valuable commodities in an emergency. They provide sustenance and energy when fresh food is not readily available.


3. Medical Supplies

Bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and other medical supplies are crucial in emergencies.

Having a stockpile of these items can make you a valuable resource for others in need.

4. Tools

Tools like multi-toolsknives, and duct tape can be incredibly useful in emergency situations.  They can help with repairs, construction, and various other tasks that may arise.

5. Personal Hygiene Items

Items like soap, toothpaste, and toilet paper are often overlooked but are essential for maintaining health and sanitation. In an emergency, these items can be highly sought after.

6. Fuel

Fuel in the form of gasoline, propane, or firewood can be crucial for cooking, heating, and transportation in emergencies.

Having extra fuel stored can be a valuable bartering item.


7. Clothing and Blankets

In harsh conditions, having extra clothing and blankets can mean the difference between comfort and discomfort. These items are highly sought after in emergencies for warmth and protection.


8. Communication Devices

In emergencies, communication devices like radios, walkie-talkies, and batteries are essential for staying informed and connected.

These items are valuable for maintaining contact with others.

9. Seeds

Seeds for fruits, vegetables, and herbs can be valuable for long-term survival in emergencies.

They provide the means to grow your own food and sustain yourself over time.

10. Barterable Skills

Skills like first aid, carpentry, hunting, and farming can be invaluable in emergencies. Offering your expertise in exchange for goods or services can be a powerful bartering tool.

By understanding the value of these 10 sought-after bartering items in an emergency, you can better prepare yourself for unforeseen circumstances. Remember to stock up on these essentials and be ready to trade for what you need to survive.

Presented by Coach Trina at

10 Likely Events That Will Follow An EMP

The threat of an EMP has been present for many decades, but over recent years, the notion and possibility of an EMP attack have entered into mainstream awareness.

What is an EMP?  It’s an Electromagnetic Pulse and this is what happens.
An electromagnetic pulse, also referred to as a transient electromagnetic disturbance, is a brief burst of electromagnetic energy. The origin of an EMP can be natural or artificial, and can occur as an electromagnetic field, as an electric field, as a magnetic field, or as a conducted electric current.

be prepared for an emp event

There are numerous books, TV shows, and movies on the subject. The challenge in preparing for an EMP attack is the uncertainty of the aftermath. It could be hours, weeks or even years before help arrives. Acquiring essential survival skills is crucial during this period.

Here is a list of 10 events that will most likely happen after an EMP:

1. Confusion

Following an EMP attack, mass confusion ensues, especially if electronic devices like smartphones and radios are destroyed due to the strength of the EMP.

When power outages occur alongside electronic devices becoming ineffective, individuals may feel perplexed by the situation.

solar powered devices are necessary in emp emergency situations

Be sure to have a way to provide power to life sustaining devices, such as the Solar Powered Emergency Radio, Bluetooth Speaker, Flashlight, Mobile Charger.

2. Panic And Looting

When the confusion subsides, the general population will panic right away. When the power goes out, we anticipate a prompt restoration.

Even after major disasters, the power never stays off permanently. As soon as people realize that the lights are not coming back on, there will be panic, and that panic will lead to widespread looting.

emergency solar lighting for survival situations after an emp event

Be sure to have a solar powered light, so you aren’t lost in the dark. This Portable folding solar camping light with 5 kinds of lighting modes, 180 degree beam, adjustment angle, and a top Solar charging or USB charging is perfect for lighting up the darkness.

3. Food Shortages

No power stops food production. This means that what is on store shelves is all the food that will be available. Local distribution centers will have extra stock, but it’ll run out within days.

The outcome is that the food supplies people have at home will be their only source of sustenance until international disaster relief arrives.

In times of crisis, having a reliable and long-lasting food storage solution becomes crucial. That’s why we recommend growing your own food with a gardenraising chickens and planting multiple fruit trees, so you can ensure your family’s food security and have a dependable supply in case of emergencies.

4. Water And Sanitation Will Cease

In the absence of grid power, the pumps providing water and sanitation will need to transition to backup generators. If these generators are damaged by EMP or deplete their fuel supply, fresh water will no longer be accessible, and sewage produced by each household will be left untreated.

A significant increase in waterborne diseases is expected as a result. Additionally, due to limited knowledge on proper human waste disposal, individuals may dispose of waste in unsanitary ways, leading to contamination of freshwater sources.

a water filtration system is imperative to have in your emergency supplies

It’s imperative to have a way of creating fresh water supplies for your family by using a water filtration system.  Our Portable ABS Water Filter Multifunction Survival Tool is an excellent tool to have in your emergency kit. 

5. Hospitals Will Shut Down

An EMP interrupts supply chains and hospital generators, leaving medical staff lacking essential equipment and a diminishing supply of drugs and other necessities.

Hospitals may opt to outsource services like food, laundry, cleaning, and security. In case of an EMP, the subcontractor employees may be absent.

Most nurses and doctors will likely leave work to return home to their families, especially upon learning of extended power outages.

the home doctor book is a great way to perform your own procedures

You’ll need to know how to take care of medical issues on your own. Having a book to help you take care of your own emergency needs is imperative after an EMP event. 

6. Prison Wardens Will Have Hard Choices To Make

During an EMP event, the electronics within a prison will cease functioning. Due to the significant ratio of prisoners to guards, the facility’s wardens must implement a lockdown.

Upon the wardens recognizing the lights will not return, they must determine how to handle the offenders.

The supply of food, water, and resources would halt; gradually, guards would leave their positions to safeguard their families at home.

The option is to release the prisoners, hold them under lockdown to perish from dehydration or starvation, or carry out their execution.

7. Planes May Fall From The Sky

An electromagnetic pulse could disrupt the electronics of aircraft in flight, causing them to glide. While some pilots might safely land these planes, many are likely to crash.

Certain pilots may successfully land these planes with some degree of safety, however, a significant number of aircraft will experience crashes and fires. It is highly probable that some of these planes will collide with densely populated regions, resulting in significant casualties on the ground.

8. An Unprecedented Death Toll

An EMP attack could lead to a 90% mortality rate in the US due to lack of essentials like food, water, sanitation, and healthcare, resulting in dehydration, starvation, violence, disease, injury, and chronic illness.

Many individuals grapple with illnesses that can be effectively managed through medication and consistent treatments. Tragically, without these interventions, they may succumb to their conditions in potentially dire ways.

9. The Economy Will Drastically Change

In the event of electronic banking system failure, cash may be considered valuable. However, post-EMP, cash loses value as the government supporting it faces collapse.

In place, gold, silver, ammo, meds, alcohol, tobacco, and other vices will serve as currency. Similarly, food, water, and survival gear will be key barter items, shaping local economies based on supply and demand.

One of the most precious assets for trade is knowledge and skills. A versatile individual could thrive in a post-EMP society.

10. Nuclear Plants May Meltdown

An EMP would cause nuclear plants to initiate an emergency shutdown. The challenge lies in the necessity to continue cooling the fuel rods through the circulation of cooling water.

These pumps require power, and the diesel generators will only run for as long as there is fuel. Eventually, these plants will melt unless creative measures are taken to prevent it. These meltdowns will result in an unprecedented nuclear catastrophe.

These are just ten potential outcomes that an EMP might trigger. In the event of an EMP attack, numerous unexpected scenarios are likely to arise.

The optimal approach is to anticipate the unforeseen and maintain a high level of adaptability and creativity.

It is essential to develop practical off-grid skills to stand a chance when the grid fails, ensuring you are prepared when the lights return.

Presented by Coach Trina at

7 Rules for Deducting Your Home Office for Taxes

Working From Home? 

Are you a freelancer or a small business owner who operates out of a home office? If so, you may be eligible to deduct some of your home office expenses on your taxes. Deducting your home office can save you money and help you maximize your tax benefits.

A woman looks happy while working from home on her couch.

Before you start claiming deductions left and right, it’s important to understand the rules and guidelines set by the IRS. In this blog post, we will outline the 7 rules you need to know in order to deduct your home office for taxes.

1. Exclusive and Regular Use

In order to qualify for a home office deduction, your home office space must be used exclusively and regularly for business purposes. This means that you cannot use your home office for personal activities, such as watching TV or playing video games. It must be a dedicated space solely for your business.

2. Principal Place of Business

Your home office must also be your principal place of business. This means that it is the primary location where you conduct your business activities or where you meet with clients or customers. If you have another location where you regularly conduct business, you may not be eligible for a home office deduction.

3. Square Footage Calculation

In order to determine the amount of your home office deduction, you will need to calculate the square footage of your home office space. Measure the total square footage of your home and then measure the square footage of your home office. Divide the square footage of your home office by the total square footage of your home to get the percentage of your home that is used for business purposes.

4. Simplified Option

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of calculating and keeping track of your actual expenses, you can opt for the simplified option. With the simplified option, you can deduct $5 per square foot of your home office space, up to a maximum of 300 square feet.

5. Direct and Indirect Expenses

When deducting your home office, you can deduct both direct and indirect expenses. Direct expenses are those that are solely for your home office, such as painting or repairs. Indirect expenses are those that are related to your entire home, such as mortgage interest, property taxes, and utilities. These expenses can be deducted based on the percentage of your home that is used for business purposes.

6. Self-Employment Taxes

If you are self-employed and deducting your home office, you may also be able to deduct a portion of your self-employment taxes. This can provide additional tax savings and help offset the costs of running your business.

7. Keep Detailed Records

Lastly, it’s important to keep detailed records of your home office expenses and any supporting documentation. This includes receipts, invoices, and any other relevant paperwork. These records will be crucial in case of an audit and will help ensure that you are accurately claiming your deductions.

By following these 7 rules, you can confidently deduct your home office for taxes and take advantage of the tax benefits available to you. Remember to consult with a tax professional or accountant to ensure that you are following all the necessary guidelines and maximizing your deductions. Deducting your home office can provide significant tax savings and help you keep more money in your pocket.

A Few Other Things to Consider

Follow these additional tips to avoid raising any eyebrows at the IRS when you file your tax return, which is due on April 15, of each year.

1. You can’t claim it if you’re a regular employee, even if your company requires you to work from home.

If you’re employed by a company and you work from home, you can’t deduct home office space from your taxes. This applies whether you’re a permanent remote worker or if your office still hasn’t returned to in-person operations because of COVID-19. The rule of thumb is that if you’re a W-2 employee, you’re not eligible for a work-from-home tax deduction.

2. If you have a regular job but you also have self-employment income, you can qualify.

If you’re self-employed — whether you own a business or you’re a freelancer, gig worker or independent contractor — you probably can take the home office deduction, even if you’re also a full-time employee of a company you don’t own. It doesn’t matter if you work from home at that full-time job or work from an office, as long as you meet the other criteria that we’ll discuss shortly.

3. It needs to be a separate space that you use exclusively for business.

The IRS requires that you have a space that you use “exclusively and regularly” for business purposes. If you have an extra bedroom and you use it solely as your office space, you’re allowed to deduct the space — and that space alone. So if your house is 1,000 square feet and the home office is 200 square feet, you’re allowed to deduct 20% of your home expenses.

A man works from home while watching his daughter.

If that home office also doubles as a guest bedroom, it wouldn’t qualify. Same goes for if you’re using that space to do your day job. The IRS takes the word “exclusively” pretty seriously here when it says you need to use the space exclusively for your business purposes.

To avoid running afoul of the rules, be cautious about what you keep in your home office. Photos, posters and other decorations are fine. But if you move your gaming console, exercise equipment or a TV into your office, that’s probably not. Even mixing professional books with personal books could technically cross the line.

4. You don’t need a separate room.

There needs to be a clear division between your home office space and your personal space. That doesn’t mean you have to have an entire room that you use as an office to take the work-from-home tax deduction, though. Suppose you have a desk area in that extra bedroom. You can still claim a portion of the room as long as there’s a marker between your office space and the rest of the room.

5. The space needs to be your principal place of business.

To deduct your home office, it needs to be your principal place of business. That doesn’t mean you have to conduct all your business activities in the space. If you’re a handyperson and you get paid to fix things at other people’s houses, but you handle the bulk of your paperwork, billing and phone calls in your home office, that’s allowed.

There are some exceptions if you operate a day care center or you store inventory. If either of these scenarios apply, check out the IRS rules.

6. Mortgage and rent aren’t the only expenses you can deduct. 

If you use 20% of your home as an office, you can deduct 20% of your mortgage or rent. That’s not all you can deduct. You’re also allowed to deduct expenses like real estate taxes, homeowners insurance and utilities, though in this example, you’d be allowed to deduct only 20% of any of these expenses.

Be careful here, though. You can deduct expenses only for the part of the home you use for business purposes. So using the example above, if you pay someone to mow your lawn or you’re painting your kitchen, you don’t get to deduct 20% of the expenses.

7. Relax. You probably won’t get audited if you follow the rules.

The home office deduction has a notorious reputation as an audit trigger, but it’s mostly undeserved. Deducting your home office expenses is perfectly legal, provided that you follow the IRS guidelines. A more likely audit trigger: You deduct a huge amount of expenses relative to the income you report, regardless of whether they’re related to a home office.

It’s essential to be ready in case you are audited, though. Make sure you can provide a copy of your mortgage or lease, insurance policies, tax records, utility bills, etc., so you can prove your deductions were warranted. You’ll also want to take pictures and be prepared to provide a diagram of your setup to the IRS if necessary.

As always, consult with a tax adviser or consider using tax prep software if you’re not sure whether the expense you’re deducting is allowable. It’s best to shell out a little extra money now to avoid the headache of an audit later.

Presented by Coach Trina at

10 Tips To Prepare Your Dog To Go Camping

take your dog or puppy camping, hiking and enjoy being outdoors

You have a new family member and you can’t wait to take your new adventure partner out on the road with you on their first camping trip! Bringing your dog along on great hikes, swimming in the lake and relaxing at the campground all sound wonderful, but might be a bit trickier than you think with a new dog. Start early with your dog and you’ll be on the road to becoming the best camping buddies!

Here is a handy guide with 10 tips to prepare your Dog to go camping – make the experience enjoyable for everyone!

Is your dog’s vaccine shots up to date?

New dogs need a series of shots before they can hit the trails with you on your next great adventure. Puppies get three sets of vaccines at 8, 12 and 16 weeks, and once they have had all of these, they are safe to go out to explore and meet other dogs.

Consult your veterinarian regarding flea and tick coverage for your pets. Even if they are receiving preventive medication, it is advisable to inspect your dog for ticks after outdoor activities or resting at the campsite, particularly around the ears, under the legs, and the belly.

your dog's personality while loving a great camping experience with coach Trina at

Your dogs personality

Familiarize yourself with your dog’s personality before embarking on a significant camping adventure together. Test the waters with a few shorter trips if you’re unsure about their temperament.

Use dog friendly campgrounds

Many campgrounds are dog friendly, but it’s always better to check before showing up. National Parks usually accept dogs, but make sure to do your research ahead of time.

train your dog to accommodate the different activities that you'll be doing while camping

Train your dog

A dog is experiencing so many things for their first time and wants to explore everything. They will want to dig holes, chew sticks and anything else they can find. Make sure your pup understands some basic commands before taking them on their first camping trip.

Commands such as “sit” and “leave it” are great commands to teach them early on. Bringing your new pup camping is also the perfect way to have them meet many new people. Keep lots of small training treats with you; you can have strangers give the treat to your pup – help your dog to interact with new people.

let your dog get used to the camping equipment before you go out by coach trina at

Show your dog the camping gear first

Let your dog explore your camping gear while you are packing it, so they get used to all the smells and the different types of gear. Let them play with you while you clean, pack and prepare for your camping trip so they can understand this is a safe place. They’ll learn that it is an exciting place that will take them on all kinds of adventures! Run the any noisy equipment, so they can get familiar with them and it doesn’t scare your dog when you are out camping.

take your dog camping with coach trina at

Understand your dogs physical limits

Dogs often act like they can go on forever, but recognize the different signs of them getting tired. They likely cannot go on a 5km hike the first time out, but they can work up their stamina to reach that goal quickly. While it is different for every breed, the general rule of thumb is 5 minutes of exercise per month of age until they are full grown.

For example:  If you have a dog that is 9 months they should be getting 45 minutes of exercise

Pay attention to your dog’s habits

Dogs are creatures of habit and puppies are still forming their routine. Going away for even a few days can throw them off their schedule and cause them stress. You don’t necessarily need to feed your dog everyday exactly at 6pm, but feeding them within 30 minutes is good practice. Sticking as close to your dog’s regular routine adds a sense of normalcy in an unfamiliar environment.

be sure to bring everything your dog needs when going camping by coach Trina at

Your dog’s necessities 

One of the first rules of camping is pack everything you think your dog will need to be prepared! Making lists so you don’t forget anything that you or your dog needs to have a relaxing and fun trip is imperative. Additionally, this will help ensure your dog feels stress free on these new adventures.

Here are the key things you should not forget to bring when your dog comes camping: 

  • Bowls
  • Food – Bring more than you think you need.
  • Treats
  • Bottled Water – We always bring bottled water for our dog especially for a new puppy, as the water can vary by campground.
  • Favorite Toys – Balls and bones are perfect for camping.
  • Bug Spray – Mosquitoes bother dogs, too! Note: Mosquito repellent can be poisonous to your dog if they lick their skin, so make sure to research natural options available.
  • Towel
  • Crate, Dog Bed and Blankets– If your dog sleeps or travels in a crate, make sure you bring this with you to keep up with their routine. To help regulate temperature while camping, bring blankets for them to cozy up in on cooler nights.
  • Ground Stake – You may want to tie your pup up outside while you are relaxing at your campsite. A ground stake is the perfect way to let them explore a little bit while keeping them close.
  • Leash
  • Poop Bags
  • First Aid Kit for Dogs – Puppies can get injured just like kids! A first aid kid for dogs should have pet-friendly medication in case they get stung or have an allergic reaction, as well as boots or bandages in case they cut their paws.
  • Collar & ID Tag with your information in case they manage to go out wandering on their own!
  • AirTag device – make it easy on yourself to find where your dog chased that squirrel
go camping with your dog with coach trina at

Dogs love new adventures 

If your dog is adventurous, let them try any and all new experiences – but make sure you let them do it at their own pace. If you are going swimming, let them get their feet wet, but do not force them to go in the water. They will learn to love each thing at their own pace and soon will be as daring as you are.


The most important thing about every camping trip is to have fun! Don’t keep too high expectations for your dog on the first trip, but let them surprise you with how much they enjoy it. Camping is about all the new experiences and adventures you encounter on your trip and your new camping buddy will make it even better.

Do you have an other tips to add? 

Tell us your camping story!

Presented by Coach Trina at

Foraging Calendar: What to Forage in January

Now that the holidays are behind us, many of us are searching for some calm and peace. Homesteaders are finding peace being in nature and partaking in it. Going back to our hunter-gatherer roots. While you’re out, whether that’s in the woods bundle up or on a hike, you can keep an eye out for these plants growing and start harvesting them in January.

The USDA Hardiness Zone Map divides the country into zones, which give us an idea of which plants can grow in different zoned areas. The primary piece of data used to create the zones is the average annual winter temperature experienced in that area. This could just be a list of edibles, but the temperature varies so much across the U.S. that you need to pay attention, so you aren’t wasting time and money planting in an area that the plant won’t flourish in. 

Chickweed, a low-growing herbaceous annual plant, commonly carpets disturbed ground in farms, gardens, and lawns. Its small, ovate leaves grow in an opposite branching pattern on round, green stems.

Chickweed, a low-growing herbaceous annual plant, commonly carpets disturbed ground in farms, gardens, and lawns. Its small, ovate leaves grow in an opposite branching pattern on round, green stems.

Chickweed has white flowers, which appear to have 10 petals, but it’s only five petals that are partially split. You can eat the tender leaves and stems raw or cooked. You can also use Chickweed as an anti-itch poultice for irritated skin, or eat it to relieve constipation. Chickweed grows in hardiness zones 4-11 and across the United States but is less common in the Southeast.

Hickory trees are deciduous hardwood trees. The leaves alternate and the nuts have a “double” nutshell. There’s a husk that peels off, revealing a nutshell underneath.

Hickory trees are deciduous hardwood trees. The leaves alternate and the nuts have a “double” nutshell. There’s a husk that peels off, revealing a nutshell underneath.

Hickory nuts have a multi-chambered inner nutshell. Hickory nuts are a calorie-dense wild plant. One ounce of shelled hickory nut meat contains 193 calories, with most of that coming from fat. Most hickory nuts taste like their relative, the pecan. These sweet and fatty nut meats are edible in raw form, picked right out of the shell. Hickory trees grow across the Eastern United States in hardiness zones 4-8.

Barberry is a deciduous shrub, measuring 8- 10 feet in height. The small, ovate, alternate, toothed leaves are clustered at nodes. The bark is gray and has sharp, double-branched spines along branches.

Barberry is a deciduous shrub, measuring 8- 10 feet in height. The small, ovate, alternate, toothed leaves are clustered at nodes. The bark is gray and has sharp, double-branched spines along branches.

The fruits are small, egg-shaped berries, red to purple. Each fruit contains 1- 3 small black seeds. Its berries have been used in traditional medicine for centuries to treat digestive issues, infections, and skin conditions. They have a tart taste and are used to make jellies and jams. Barberry grows in hardiness zones 4-8.

Cattails have iconic brown seed heads that have exploded into a mass of ivory-colored fluff (which makes for great tinder). These grass-like plants will be 3 to 9 feet tall with an oval cross-section to the lower stalk.

Cattails have iconic brown seed heads that have exploded into a mass of ivory-colored fluff (which makes for great tinder). These grass-like plants will be 3 to 9 feet tall with an oval cross-section to the lower stalk.

You’ll find them growing in wet conditions. You can scrape out the white starchy material inside the long brown rootstocks and use it to thicken soups and stews. You can also dry and grind it into flour. Grows in hardiness zones 3-10.

Turkey Rhubarb is a perennial climber with ribbed, red or green stems, reaching up to 3m in length. Known for its detoxifying effects on the bowel and liver, all parts of the plant are used in supplements and cooking.

Turkey Rhubarb is a perennial climber with ribbed, red or green stems, reaching up to 3m in length. Known for its detoxifying effects on the bowel and liver, all parts of the plant are used in supplements and cooking.

 Turkey Rhubarb can grow in hardiness zones 6-11.

Black Walnuts are tall growing deciduous hardwood trees with round or oblong nuts. Black walnuts are large green and round when they are freshly fallen, though the rough round husks turn black in the winter.

The tasty nut meat contains 173 calories an ounce, with a fair bit of protein, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and manganese. Mix into bread or add to soups. Black walnut grows in the continental United States in hardiness zones 4-9.

Now you’re ready to head out to the woods and pick some wonderful plants. You can make tonics, dishes and so much more. Start your year out in nature. Celebrate the New Year with a list of new plants to keep an eye out for while foraging. Let us know what are your favorites to forage this time of year in the comments.

Presented by Coach Trina @