The 10 Most Sought-After Bartering Items in an Emergency

In times of crisis, having valuable items for bartering can be essential for survival. Consider stocking up on items that have long-term value and are in high demand during emergencies.

Here are the top 10 most sought-after bartering items in an emergency:

1. Water

Water is a basic necessity for survival. In an emergency situation, clean drinking water may become scarce, making it a highly sought-after bartering item.

Make sure to have water purification tablets or water filtration devices on hand.

2. Non-perishable Food

Non-perishable food items like canned goods, rice, and dried fruits are valuable commodities in an emergency. They provide sustenance and energy when fresh food is not readily available.


3. Medical Supplies

Bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and other medical supplies are crucial in emergencies.

Having a stockpile of these items can make you a valuable resource for others in need.

4. Tools

Tools like multi-toolsknives, and duct tape can be incredibly useful in emergency situations.  They can help with repairs, construction, and various other tasks that may arise.

5. Personal Hygiene Items

Items like soap, toothpaste, and toilet paper are often overlooked but are essential for maintaining health and sanitation. In an emergency, these items can be highly sought after.

6. Fuel

Fuel in the form of gasoline, propane, or firewood can be crucial for cooking, heating, and transportation in emergencies.

Having extra fuel stored can be a valuable bartering item.


7. Clothing and Blankets

In harsh conditions, having extra clothing and blankets can mean the difference between comfort and discomfort. These items are highly sought after in emergencies for warmth and protection.


8. Communication Devices

In emergencies, communication devices like radios, walkie-talkies, and batteries are essential for staying informed and connected.

These items are valuable for maintaining contact with others.

9. Seeds

Seeds for fruits, vegetables, and herbs can be valuable for long-term survival in emergencies.

They provide the means to grow your own food and sustain yourself over time.

10. Barterable Skills

Skills like first aid, carpentry, hunting, and farming can be invaluable in emergencies. Offering your expertise in exchange for goods or services can be a powerful bartering tool.

By understanding the value of these 10 sought-after bartering items in an emergency, you can better prepare yourself for unforeseen circumstances. Remember to stock up on these essentials and be ready to trade for what you need to survive.

Presented by Coach Trina at

Bug Out Bag Checklist: The Essential Guide to Bugging Out

In the event of a potentially life-threatening emergency, you’ll want well-thought-out and well-rehearsed plan in place, and a fully-stocked bug out bag for each member of your family. In this guide, we’ll provide a comprehensive checklist to help you pack and sort your “get out of town” bags.

We aren’t suggesting that you try to cram every item on this list into a single bag. The contents of your ideal bug out bag will vary according to your environment, how much weight you can carry, how many other people you expect to have in your party and several other factors.

Spend some time prioritizing and essentializing the items you want to pack, and remember that, in some cases (such as building a fire and hunting), knowledge and skills can mitigate or negate the need for gear. Use our list as a guideline, or print the PDF version for easy use whenever.

Shop Tactical Backpacks

The Basics

Let’s start with the basics, the following items are more or less essential for any bug out bag.

  • Durable bag or backpack: Choosing the perfect bug out bag is a skill all its own. Make sure you get a roomy, water-resistant one with lots of pockets, heavy stitching and durable straps, buckles and zippers.
  • Tactical vest or plate carrier: Odds are that you won’t be able to fit as much as you’d like in your bug out bag. Tactical vests and plate carriers allow you to efficiently carry more stuff; just don’t overload yourself to the point of risking injury or excessive fatigue.
  • Critical documents: Obtain certified copies of your passport, birth certificate and any other crucial documents you might need during or after the emergency. Be sure to pack them in tightly sealed, waterproof bags.
  • Cash: Unless it’s truly the end of the country or the world, cash will always have some value.
  • E-tool: A collapsible military shovel is relatively lightweight and will come in handy when you need to dig a latrine, drainage ditch, solar still or trap.
  • Hatchet: You’ll almost certainly need to use an axe or a hatchet to cut firewood, strip plant fibers or build a shelter.
  • Multi-tool: Everyone needs a good multi-tool — one that can enable you to perform any number of basic repairs or adjustments to your other gear while taking up a fraction of the space and weight of an entire toolkit.
  • Rope and cordage: Your bug out bag should have nylon rope, paracord and fishing line so that you’ll be prepared to climb, drag, bundle and organize as needed.
  • Sewing kit: Clothing takes up a ton of space, so you should generally limit your bug out bag to one spare set. Being able to use a sewing kit to repair and modify your clothing, mitigates the need to lug around five extra shirts.
  • Knife: An excellent tactical knife is truly the cornerstone of an essential survival kit. With it, you can hunt, cook, craft useful items, make repairs, defend yourself and much more.
  • Whetstone with oil or ceramic sharpener: Of course, a knife is a lot less useful if you can’t keep it in top shape. Whetstones will generally keep your knife sharper and are less likely to scratch the blade, whereas ceramic knife sharpeners are smaller and lighter.
  • Primary and secondary weapons: Whether you pair a recurve bow with a semiautomatic pistol or a shotgun with a revolver, choose weapons that complement one another tactically and that you can use comfortably and safely.
  • Spare ammunition: It’s always tempting to pack hundreds of extra rounds, but ammo weighs a ton. Don’t bring so much that your bag feels like it’s full of bricks.
  • Pepper spray or taser: Sometimes, less-lethal weapons can de-escalate a conflict more effectively than intimidating blades or firearms. If you choose to carry a taser or stun gun, be sure to pack extra darts and/or batteries.
  • Flashlight and extra batteries: A flashlight is an essential bug out bag tool. Their batteries always seem to drain quickly when you’re living and working outdoors though, so bring plenty. Pack rechargeable batteries for your universal charger (see below), or on the off chance that you run across a working battery charger.
  • Hand-crank power bank: These manual devices are horribly inefficient, but nonetheless, having the ability to charge your electronic devices with muscle power can be a life-saving backup option.
  • Glowsticks: Sometimes, flashlights and flares are just too bright. Glowsticks are an excellent, low-intensity light source for situations in which you don’t want to be visible from miles away. Small ones are also great for marking your path in dark, confusing areas.

Environmental Protection

By the very nature of the word “emergency,” it can be hard to predict what sort of environmental protection you’ll need when things get out of hand. You can cover your bases though, especially with the following items.

  • Gas mask or rebreather: If you expect to encounter airborne toxins or contaminants, a gas mask or rebreather may be worth the space it takes up in your bag.
  • Waterproof survival tent: Any tent small and light enough to fit easily into your bug out bag won’t be especially comfortable, but it’ll be a lot better than nothing.
  • Sleeping bag: A sleeping bag is much more important in cold climates that in temperate or hot zones. If you’ll need warmth at night, try attaching your sleeping bag to the outside of your bug out bag to save tons of precious interior space.
  • Emergency blanket: These crinkly, foil-lined emergency blankets look goofy and aren’t very comfortable, but they’ll help you retain body heat and can be folded to about the size and thickness of a few paper towels.
  • Environment-appropriate clothing: Pack one change of clothes appropriate to the temperatures and weather conditions you’re most likely to encounter. Resist the temptation to bring multiple outfits or you’ll be out of bag space before you know it.


Food may be scarce once you’ve packed up and left the comfort of home. In case you need to resort to hunting or fishing, the following gear will give you a leg up.

  • Fishing kit: Compact fishing kits are about the size of a wallet and contain line, lures, hooks and a few small deboning and fileting knives. If you’re anywhere near water, a fishing kit is an indispensable part of your survival gear.
  • Snares: Steel cable wire snares are affordable, space-efficient and reusable, making them excellent tools for catching small game.
  • Rations: For any emergency that lasts longer than a few days, you’ll never be able to carry all the food you need, but it’s always a good idea to have some on hand for those inevitable bad days when you can’t catch fish or game. Prioritize lightweight, nutrient and calorie-dense foods such as peanut butter, nuts, jerky, and protein bars.
  • Collapsible/stackable cookware: If you can spare the room in your bag, a basic set of cooking and eating pans and utensils can make both activities more pleasant, which has significant psychological benefits during an emergency.


You won’t last very long out there without water. These items can be invaluable when it comes to keeping yourself hydrated.

  • Water bottle or canteen: A durable canteen or water bottle will keep you going for a little while if you have trouble finding water in the wild.
  • Water filtration system: A personal water filtration system can filter hundreds of gallons of water and deserves a high-priority spot in your bug out bag.
  • Water purification tablets: A single, tiny bottle of these tablets can purify several months’ worth of drinking water. They’ll make it taste a little funny, but that’s a lot better than contracting a nasty disease.


Building a fire is an essential survival skill made easier with a fire making kit. With the right tools in your bag, the task becomes that much easier.

  • Tinder (in waterproof bag): Always keep enough Paraffin Swabs or dry bark shavings, in a waterproof bag, on hand to start a few fires in case you can’t forage any tinder in a time of critical need.
  • Waterproof matches: It’s always best to start your fire with foraged materials when possible, but you’ll definitely want some easy-to-use fire-starting wind and waterproof matches in your bag just in case.
  • Magnesium striker: The modern equivalent of flint and steel, magnesium strikers are among the most space-efficient, all-weather firestarters. A single block of magnesium is good for hundreds of fires.
  • Focusing lens: Another space-efficient firestarter, a focusing lens will last forever (provided it doesn’t get lost or damaged), but it’s useless unless the sun is out.
  • Lighter: Standard butane lighters are about as user-friendly as firestarters come, although it’s probably best to save them as a backup option in case other methods fail.
  • Road flares: Only in the most dire circumstances should you use flares to start a fire. However, they make great emergency light sources and they’re good for fending off hungry predators, so pack two or three in your bag.


Getting from point A to point B can be a lot easier with the right navigation tools in your bug out bag.

  • Compass and maps: Unless you’re an expert outdoor navigator, you’ll need a few basic tools to keep track of where you are and where you’re going. Overland navigation can be tricky even with a map and compass, though, so be sure to study and practice it regularly.


In the event that you become separated from your party or need to get the attention of rescue crews, communication devices are literal life-savers. Here’s what you should pack.

  • Radio and extra batteries: A good emergency radio is one that can receive AM, FM and shortwave transmissions. Be sure to bring extra batteries or, alternatively, purchase a hand-crank model.
  • Walkie talkies and extra batteries: If you’ll be traveling with others during a bug out situation, you’ll need a walkie talkie to stay in touch if you get separated (but do everything in your power to avoid getting separated).
  • Waterproof notebook and pencils: Being able to take notes, sketch maps and draw diagrams is handy, especially during a crisis.
  • Signal mirror: Small, shatter-resistant SOS signal mirrors are a reliable, low-tech way to signal for help during an emergency.


Proficiency in basic survival medicine is a must, and so is packing the right medical supplies in your bag. The following items will help tremendously if an injury occurs.

  • IFAK: Given how much other stuff you’ll be carrying, it’s critical to pack a first aid kit that contains only the most essential items. An excellent trauma kit can weigh under three pounds and take up less than a cubic foot of space. Just be sure to pack the right items in your IFAK.
  • Prescription drugs: If you need any medications to treat chronic or potentially life-threatening conditions, stock several months’ worth in your bug out bag in a safe container. Most doctors will happily prescribe extra refills of non-narcotic medications if you tell them it’s for your emergency supply. Be sure to rotate your stock every few months and keep your newest meds in your bug out bag.
  • Hygiene supplies: Staying clean during an emergency isn’t a luxury — it’s a necessity for both your physical and mental health. Pack at least a few weeks’ worth of baby wipes, talcum powder, and soap.

Now that you know more about packing the best bug-out-bag for your survival in an emergency situation, get out there and get prepared!

Presented by:  Coach Trina @

Best 5 Animals For Your Backyard

Which animals are great for your backyard?

Having animals in your backyard can bring numerous benefits, from companionship to self-sufficiency. If you’re considering adding some furry or feathered friends to your outdoor space, here are the top 5 animals that would be perfect for your backyard.

chickens is a great animal to have in your backyard to help sustain your family in an emergency

1. Chickens 

Chickens are a popular choice for backyard animals due to their low cost and high productivity. Not only do they provide fresh eggs daily, but they also help control pests and fertilize the soil. Chickens are relatively inexpensive to purchase and maintain, requiring only a small coop and some feed. With proper care, they can live for up to 8 years.

2. Bees

Keeping bees in your backyard can be a rewarding and environmentally friendly hobby. Bees are essential pollinators, helping your garden thrive and increasing fruit and vegetable yields. Additionally, they produce delicious honey. While setting up a beehive requires some initial investment, the benefits outweigh the costs in the long run.

bunnies are a great animal to have in your backyard when an emergency situation happens for a good source of meat

3. Rabbits

Rabbits are a great choice for backyard animals, especially for those interested in self-sufficiency. They are low-maintenance and provide a sustainable source of meat. Rabbits reproduce quickly, allowing you to expand your backyard farm. They also produce nutrient-rich manure, which can be used as fertilizer for your garden.

goats are a great animal to have in your backyard to become self sufficient

4. Goats

If you have a larger backyard and are looking for a more substantial animal, goats are an excellent option. They are efficient grazers and can help control weeds and overgrown vegetation. Goats also provide milk, meat, and fiber. However, they require more space and specialized care compared to other backyard animals.

quail eggs are abundant when you have quail in your backyard

5. Quails

Quails are small, low-maintenance birds that are perfect for smaller backyards. They are prolific egg layers, providing a constant supply of nutritious eggs. Quails are relatively quiet and don’t require much space. They are a great choice for urban dwellers who want to enjoy the benefits of backyard animals without disturbing the neighbors.

While the initial costs of acquiring and setting up these animals may vary, the long-term benefits outweigh the investment. Not only do they provide valuable resources like eggs, meat, and honey, but they also contribute to a more sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyle. By having these animals in your backyard, you can reduce your ecological footprint and be better prepared for emergency situations.

To your survival,

Coach Trina @

Top 5 Prepper’s Gear for Urban Survival

Dear Preppers and Survival Enthusiasts,

Welcome to the latest edition of our blog newsletter, where we explore essential gear and strategies for urban survival. Living in a bustling city brings its own set of challenges, and being prepared for emergencies is paramount. Today, we’ll be focusing on the Top 5 Prepper’s Gear for Urban Survival, designed to equip you with the tools needed to navigate and thrive in an urban environment.

Urban Bug-Out Bag (BOB): An urban bug-out bag serves as your go-to survival kit in the event of an emergency. This compact backpack should contain essential items like a multi-tool, flashlight, extra batteries, a first aid kit, water purification tablets, non-perishable food, a compact sleeping bag, a reliable folding knife, a small portable stove, and a city map. Customize it to suit your needs, ensuring lightweight and versatile gear that can sustain you for at least 72 hours.

Personal Safety and Self-Defense Tools: In urban environments, personal safety should be a top priority. Consider equipping yourself with self-defense tools such as a high-decibel whistle, a compact pepper spray, or a discreet personal alarm. Additionally, learning self-defense techniques and situational awareness skills can greatly enhance your safety and confidence.

Compact Water Filtration System: Access to clean water during emergencies can be a challenge. Invest in a portable water filtration system designed for urban survival. These compact devices can filter water from various sources, including tap water, lakes, and rivers, removing harmful contaminants and making it safe to drink. Having a reliable water filtration system ensures you stay hydrated and reduces the risk of waterborne illnesses.

Emergency Communication Devices: Maintaining communication in urban areas during emergencies is crucial. Consider investing in a hand-crank or solar-powered emergency radio that can receive AM/FM frequencies, NOAA weather alerts, and even shortwave bands. Additionally, a fully charged power bank or a portable solar charger can keep your essential electronic devices functioning, enabling communication and access to vital information.

Urban Navigation and Escape Tools: Navigating through the maze of urban landscapes during emergencies can be challenging. Equip yourself with a reliable city map or a GPS device specifically designed for urban environments. A sturdy foldable pocket compass can help you orient yourself, while a compact pry bar or a window breaker can assist in emergency escapes or gaining access to locked spaces.

Remember, being prepared is not just about gear; it’s also about knowledge and skills. Regularly update your emergency plans, practice urban survival drills, and stay informed about potential threats and evacuation routes specific to your city.

It’s essential to adopt a mindset of resilience and resourcefulness, staying informed, and connecting with like-minded individuals within your community. Share your knowledge and experiences with others, and consider joining local emergency preparedness groups to exchange ideas and support one another.

Stay safe, stay prepared!

Coach Trina @

10 Things To Plant In The Fall To Harvest In Winter

Embrace the approaching cold months and nurture your winter garden. Plant these 10 frost-resistant vegetables in the fall, and indulge in the delight of fresh, seasonal produce. Elevate your self-sufficiency and ensure food security for you and your family.

For those who embrace a homesteader’s lifestyle, it’s time to prepare for the next gardening phase. Most of us are familiar with the tale of the Ant and the Grasshopper. Well, we need to be the Ant, or else we will be like the Grasshopper regretting that we didn’t plan out our food supply.

It all starts with understanding your local temperatures and selecting the right crops for the zone you live in. Also, to ensure none of your harvest goes to waste and you can enjoy the full benefits throughout the winter, here’s a method for long-term food preservation without electricity that doesn’t require much of your time and resources.

Join us on this journey to discover how these 10 winter champions can transform your winter meals.

parsley is a great product to plant in the fall for winter harvest


Soil temperature for Parsley is usually 85°F (10-30°C). Harvesting of seeds takes around 70-90 days.

Why is Parsley a Great Addition to Your Diet?

Parsley is not just a garnish for your dishes; it is a nutritional powerhouse that offers numerous health benefits. This herb is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it a valuable addition to any diet.

1. High Nutritional Value

Parsley is packed with essential nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, and folate. It also contains minerals like potassium, calcium, and iron. Incorporating parsley into your meals can help you meet your daily nutrient requirements.

2. Supports Digestive Health

The natural compounds found in parsley, such as myristicin and apigenin, have been shown to support healthy digestion. These compounds can help reduce bloating, improve nutrient absorption, and promote regular bowel movements.

3. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Parsley contains flavonoids and volatile oils that possess anti-inflammatory properties. Regular consumption of parsley may help reduce inflammation in the body, which is linked to various chronic diseases.

4. Boosts Immune System

With its high vitamin C content, parsley can help strengthen your immune system. Vitamin C is known to stimulate the production of white blood cells, which are essential for fighting off infections and diseases.

5. Supports Heart Health

Parsley contains compounds like luteolin and apigenin, which have been associated with cardiovascular health. These compounds may help lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, and prevent the formation of blood clots.

6. Freshens Breath

Chewing on parsley leaves can help freshen your breath naturally. The chlorophyll in parsley acts as a natural deodorizer, neutralizing bad breath caused by certain foods or bacteria in the mouth.

7. Versatile Culinary Ingredient

Parsley is a versatile herb that can be used in various dishes. It adds a fresh and vibrant flavor to salads, soups, sauces, and marinades. You can also use parsley as a garnish to enhance the visual appeal of your meals.

Incorporating parsley into your diet can provide a range of health benefits, from supporting digestion to boosting your immune system. This humble herb is not only nutritious but also adds flavor and freshness to your culinary creations. So, why not start harvesting parsley and enjoy its many advantages?

lettuce is a great plant to grow in the fall for winter harvest


Lettuce is also extremely tolerant of extreme cold and can handle 10-28 °F.

Why should you consider growing lettuce in the fall?

Growing lettuce in the fall can be a smart choice for several reasons:

  • Extended harvest: By planting lettuce in the fall, you can enjoy a longer harvest season. Lettuce is a cool-season crop that thrives in cooler temperatures, so it will continue to grow even as the days get shorter.
  • Higher quality: Lettuce grown in the fall tends to have a better flavor and texture compared to lettuce grown in the summer. The cooler temperatures help prevent the lettuce from becoming bitter and bolting, which can happen in hot weather.
  • Less pest pressure: Many common pests that affect lettuce, such as aphids and slugs, are less active in the fall. This means you’ll have fewer pest problems to deal with, making it easier to grow healthy lettuce.
  • Less watering: Cooler temperatures and increased rainfall in the fall mean you’ll spend less time watering your lettuce. This can save you both time and money on your water bill.

How to grow lettuce in the fall

Follow these steps to successfully grow lettuce in the fall:

  1. Choose the right variety: Look for lettuce varieties that are specifically suited for fall planting. These varieties are more cold-tolerant and will perform better in cooler temperatures.
  2. Prepare the soil: Before planting, make sure the soil is well-draining and rich in organic matter. Add compost or well-rotted manure to improve the soil’s fertility.
  3. Sow the seeds: Plant the lettuce seeds directly in the garden or in containers. Sow the seeds at the recommended depth and spacing, and water gently.
  4. Provide protection: To protect the lettuce from frost and cold temperatures, consider using row covers or cloches. These can help create a microclimate that keeps the lettuce warm and extends the growing season.
  5. Maintain moisture: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water the lettuce regularly, especially during dry spells.
  6. Harvesting: Harvest the lettuce leaves when they reach the desired size. Cut the outer leaves and leave the inner leaves to continue growing.

Growing lettuce in the fall for winter harvest offers numerous benefits. Not only will you enjoy an extended harvest season and higher quality lettuce, but you’ll also experience fewer pest problems and save on watering. By following the proper techniques for fall lettuce cultivation, you can have a bountiful supply of fresh, crisp lettuce throughout the winter months.

brussel sprouts are a great item to plant in the fall to harvest in the winter

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli thrive in extreme cold, tolerating temperatures as low as 26°F. They’re ideal for snow-covered gardens.

Brussels sprouts are a nutritious and versatile vegetable that can be a great addition to your diet. Not only are they packed with essential vitamins and minerals, but they also offer numerous health benefits. In this blog post, we will explore why Brussels sprouts are a fantastic vegetable to plant in the fall and harvest in the winter, providing you with a source of nutritious food in case of an emergency.

Why are Brussels sprouts beneficial?

Brussels sprouts are a member of the cruciferous vegetable family, which includes broccoli, cauliflower, and kale. These vegetables are known for their high nutrient content and potential health benefits. Here are some reasons why Brussels sprouts should be on your plate:

1. Nutrient-rich

Brussels sprouts are a nutritional powerhouse. They are an excellent source of vitamins C and K, which are essential for a healthy immune system and proper blood clotting. Additionally, they contain folate, manganese, and potassium, which play vital roles in various bodily functions.

2. High in fiber

Fiber is an important component of a healthy diet, and Brussels sprouts are an excellent source of it. A high-fiber diet can aid digestion, promote satiety, and help maintain a healthy weight. It can also contribute to heart health by reducing cholesterol levels.

3. Rich in antioxidants

Brussels sprouts are packed with antioxidants, which help protect your cells from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. Antioxidants have been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and certain types of cancer.

4. Supports gut health

Brussels sprouts are a good source of fiber and contain compounds that can promote a healthy gut. The fiber in Brussels sprouts acts as a prebiotic, providing nourishment for beneficial gut bacteria. A healthy gut microbiome is essential for digestion, nutrient absorption, and overall well-being.

5. Versatile and delicious

Brussels sprouts can be prepared in various ways, making them a versatile addition to your meals. You can roast them, sauté them, or even enjoy them raw in salads. Their slightly bitter taste pairs well with savory flavors, and they can be seasoned with herbs and spices to enhance their natural flavors.

By planting Brussels sprouts in the fall and harvesting them in the winter, you can ensure a fresh and nutritious food source during emergencies. Their long growing season and ability to withstand colder temperatures make them an ideal vegetable for winter gardening.

Brussels sprouts offer a wide range of health benefits and can be a valuable addition to your diet. Their nutrient content, fiber, antioxidants, and gut health-promoting properties make them a superfood worth incorporating into your meals. So why not give Brussels sprouts a try and reap the benefits they have to offer?

potatoes are a great food source to plant in the fall for winter harvest


These tubers are protected from frost and harsh weather as they grow buried underground. Starting to grow potatoes 4 weeks before the last moments of frost in the Spring can bring in a harvest in 4 weeks.

Potatoes are not just a delicious side dish, they can also be a main source of food for you and your family. In fact, potatoes are one of the most versatile and nutritious vegetables you can find. They are packed with essential nutrients and can be prepared in a variety of ways to suit different tastes and preferences.

Why are potatoes a great source of food?

First and foremost, potatoes are a great source of carbohydrates, which are the body’s primary source of energy. They provide a steady release of energy, making them an excellent choice for fueling your daily activities. Additionally, potatoes are low in fat and cholesterol, making them a healthy option for maintaining a balanced diet.

Furthermore, potatoes are rich in vitamins and minerals. They are a good source of vitamin C, which is essential for a healthy immune system. Potatoes also contain potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure, and vitamin B6, which supports brain development and function.

Surviving harsh winters and year-round harvest

One of the remarkable qualities of potatoes is their ability to survive harsh winters. Unlike many other vegetables, potatoes can withstand cold temperatures and continue to grow underground. This makes them an excellent option for year-round harvest, even in regions with long and cold winters.

During the winter months, when fresh produce may be scarce, having a supply of potatoes can be a lifesaver. They can be stored in a cool, dark place for several months without spoiling. This means you can enjoy the nutritional benefits of potatoes even when other vegetables are not readily available.

How easy is it to grow potatoes?

Growing potatoes is surprisingly easy, even for beginners. They can be grown in a variety of climates and soil types, making them a versatile option for home gardening. Here are some simple steps to get started:

  1. Choose a sunny spot in your garden with well-draining soil.
  2. Prepare the soil by loosening it and removing any weeds or rocks.
  3. Cut seed potatoes into pieces, making sure each piece has at least one “eye” or bud.
  4. Plant the seed potatoes about 4-6 inches deep, with the eyes facing up.
  5. Water the potatoes regularly, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged.
  6. As the plants grow, mound soil around the stems to encourage tuber development.
  7. Harvest the potatoes when the plants have died back and the skins are firm.

With a little bit of care and patience, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of fresh, homegrown potatoes.

Potatoes are not only a delicious and versatile vegetable, but they can also be a main source of food for you and your family. They are packed with essential nutrients, can survive harsh winters, and are easy to grow. So why not incorporate potatoes into your diet and enjoy their many benefits?

beets are an excellent food source that you can plant in the fall for winter harvest


With a temperature of 50-80°F (10-26°C). Beet seeds usually take around 40-70 days so plan ahead.

 Winter is the perfect time to harvest beets, a versatile and nutritious root vegetable. Not only are they easy to grow, but they also offer a wide range of health benefits. In this blog post, we will explore why beets are a great food source to harvest in winter, discuss their health benefits, and provide tips on how to keep them fresh outside all winter long.

Why are Beets a Great Food Source to Harvest in Winter?

Beets are a cold-weather crop, meaning they thrive in cooler temperatures. In fact, they can withstand frost and even taste sweeter after exposure to cold weather. This makes them an ideal vegetable to grow and harvest during the winter months.

Additionally, beets are a hardy vegetable that can be stored for an extended period. When properly stored, they can last for several months, allowing you to enjoy their freshness throughout the winter season.

Health Benefits of Beets

Beets are not only delicious but also packed with essential nutrients that offer numerous health benefits. Here are some of the key reasons why you should consider adding beets to your winter diet:

1. Rich in Antioxidants

Beets are a great source of antioxidants, which help protect your cells from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. Antioxidants have been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease and certain types of cancer.

2. Supports Heart Health

Beets are known to promote heart health due to their high nitrate content. Nitrates are converted into nitric oxide in the body, which helps relax and dilate blood vessels, leading to improved blood flow and lower blood pressure.

3. Boosts Brain Function

The nitrates in beets not only benefit the heart but also enhance brain function. Nitric oxide increases blood flow to the brain, improving cognitive function and potentially reducing the risk of age-related cognitive decline.

4. Enhances Digestive Health

Beets are an excellent source of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and promotes a healthy gut. Fiber adds bulk to the stool, preventing constipation, and supports the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.

How to Keep Beets Fresh Outside All Winter Long

Proper storage is crucial to keep beets fresh and flavorful throughout the winter season. Here are some tips to help you preserve your harvest:

1. Harvest at the Right Time

Wait until the first frost to harvest your beets. The cold temperatures will enhance their sweetness and improve their storage life.

2. Remove the Tops

Before storing, remove the beet greens, leaving about an inch of the stem attached. This prevents the greens from drawing moisture away from the roots.

3. Store in a Cool and Dark Place

Find a cool and dark location, such as a root cellar or basement, to store your beets. The ideal temperature for beet storage is around 32°F (0°C) with high humidity.

4. Use Proper Containers

Store beets in perforated plastic bags or containers with lids that allow for ventilation. This helps maintain the right level of humidity while preventing excess moisture buildup.

5. Check Regularly

Inspect your stored beets regularly and remove any that show signs of spoilage. This will prevent the spread of rot and ensure the rest of your harvest remains fresh.

By following these simple tips, you can enjoy the delicious taste and health benefits of beets all winter long.

In conclusion, beets are a fantastic food source to harvest in winter. They offer a myriad of health benefits, including antioxidant properties, heart health support, brain function enhancement, and digestive health promotion. With proper storage techniques, you can savor the freshness of beets throughout the winter season. 

Mustard is a great source of food that can be harvested in winter


Mustard is a heavy frost tolerant and can handle (28°F and below). Make the best of this by planting mustard so you can enjoy during the winter.

Why Mustard is a Great Option for Winter Harvest

When it comes to winter harvest, mustard is a smart choice to include in your garden. Not only is it a hardy plant that can withstand colder temperatures, but it also offers a range of health benefits and culinary uses. In this blog post, we will explore how to harvest mustard, prepare it for consumption, and discuss the numerous advantages of including mustard in your winter diet.

Harvesting Mustard

Harvesting mustard is a relatively simple process. The best time to harvest mustard greens is when they are young and tender, usually around 30-40 days after planting. To harvest, simply cut the leaves from the outer edges of the plant, leaving the inner leaves to continue growing. This method allows for continuous harvest throughout the winter season.

Preparing Mustard for Consumption

Once you have harvested your mustard greens, it’s time to prepare them for consumption. Start by washing the leaves thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris. Next, remove the tough stems and chop the leaves into smaller, bite-sized pieces. Mustard greens can be enjoyed raw in salads or cooked in a variety of dishes such as stir-fries, soups, or sautés.

Health Benefits of Mustard

Including mustard in your winter diet can provide numerous health benefits. Mustard greens are packed with essential nutrients, including vitamins A, C, and K, as well as folate, calcium, and fiber. They are also rich in antioxidants, which help protect against cell damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Additionally, mustard greens have been linked to improved digestion, reduced inflammation, and enhanced immune function.

Mustard is a smart choice for winter harvest due to its hardiness, versatility, and health benefits. By following the simple steps of harvesting and preparing mustard greens, you can enjoy this nutritious and delicious vegetable throughout the winter season. So why not add some mustard to your garden and reap the rewards of this winter superfood?

there are many different types of herbs that can be harvested in winter

Winter Herbs

Winter herbs thrive better indoors, providing fresh pickings when needed. Oregano, mint, and thyme are great options. To ensure a steady supply of fresh herbs throughout the winter, consider growing them indoors. Oregano, mint, and thyme are excellent choices that thrive in indoor environments.

Planting herbs in fall for harsh winters can be unpredictable, but don’t get discouraged. Keeping winter herbs indoors prevents root rot in extreme cold. During the fall, it can be challenging to predict the outcome of planting herbs for harsh winters. However, it is important not to lose hope. 

Indoor gardening has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. Not only does it add a touch of greenery to your living space, but it also offers numerous health benefits. Oregano, mint, and thyme are excellent choices for indoor environments, as they not only thrive indoors but also provide a range of health benefits. Let’s explore why these herbs are a great addition to your indoor garden.

Why Oregano?

Oregano is a versatile herb that is commonly used in Mediterranean cuisine. When grown indoors, oregano thrives in well-drained soil and requires moderate sunlight. Here are some of the health benefits of oregano:

  • Rich in Antioxidants: Oregano is packed with antioxidants that help protect the body against damage from free radicals.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties: The compounds found in oregano have anti-inflammatory effects, which can help reduce inflammation in the body.
  • Boosts Immune System: Oregano contains vitamins and minerals that support a healthy immune system, helping you fight off illnesses.

Why Mint?

Mint is a refreshing herb that adds a burst of flavor to both sweet and savory dishes. It is a hardy plant that can thrive in indoor environments with minimal care. Here are some of the health benefits of mint:

  • Improves Digestion: Mint has been used for centuries to aid digestion. It can help relieve indigestion, bloating, and stomach cramps.
  • Relieves Headaches: The aroma of mint has a calming effect and can help alleviate headaches and migraines.
  • Freshens Breath: Chewing on mint leaves or using mint-infused mouthwash can help freshen breath and improve oral health.

Why Thyme?

Thyme is a fragrant herb that is commonly used in cooking and herbal medicine. It is a low-maintenance plant that thrives in indoor environments. Here are some of the health benefits of thyme:

  • Antimicrobial Properties: Thyme contains compounds that have antimicrobial properties, making it effective against certain bacteria and fungi.
  • Respiratory Health: Thyme has been used for centuries to relieve respiratory conditions such as coughs, bronchitis, and congestion.
  • Rich in Vitamins: Thyme is a good source of vitamins A and C, which are essential for maintaining a healthy immune system.

Adding oregano, mint, and thyme to your indoor garden not only provides you with fresh herbs for cooking but also offers a range of health benefits. These herbs are easy to grow and require minimal care, making them perfect for both experienced and novice gardeners. So why not start your own indoor herb garden today and enjoy the many benefits it has to offer?

carrots are a great produce to plant in the fall for winter harvest


Carrots will do well at 45-85°F (7-30°C) and since it is filled with nutritional benefits are ideal to grow for consumption during the winter season. Seed to harvest takes around 55 days. Tops and roots are both edible. Baby carrots are the easiest to grow

Carrots are not only delicious and packed with essential nutrients, but they are also an excellent choice for a winter harvest. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons why carrots are a good produce to plant in the fall and the benefits they offer for winter consumption.

Why Choose Carrots for Fall Planting?

Carrots thrive in cooler temperatures, making them an ideal vegetable to plant in the fall. The chilly weather actually enhances the flavor of carrots by converting their starches into sugars, resulting in a sweeter taste. Additionally, carrots are a hardy crop that can withstand light frosts, allowing you to enjoy a bountiful harvest even as the temperatures drop.

The Nutritional Powerhouse of Carrots

Carrots are not only a tasty addition to your meals but also a nutritional powerhouse. They are an excellent source of beta-carotene, a pigment that the body converts into vitamin A. Vitamin A is essential for maintaining good vision, promoting a healthy immune system, and supporting cell growth and development.

Furthermore, carrots are rich in dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and helps regulate blood sugar levels. They also contain antioxidants, such as vitamin C and vitamin E, which protect the body against free radicals and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Benefits of Winter Harvested Carrots

By planting carrots in the fall for a winter harvest, you can enjoy a fresh supply of this nutritious vegetable throughout the colder months. Winter-harvested carrots have a firmer texture and a sweeter taste compared to those harvested in other seasons. They add a vibrant burst of flavor to soups, stews, and roasted vegetable medleys, making winter meals more enjoyable and nutritious.

Moreover, winter-harvested carrots are a cost-effective option. Instead of relying on store-bought carrots that may have traveled long distances, you can simply step into your garden and harvest your own supply. This not only saves money but also reduces your carbon footprint.

Planting carrots in the fall for a winter harvest is a smart choice for any garden enthusiast. Not only do carrots thrive in cooler temperatures, but they also offer a wide range of nutritional benefits. From their high vitamin A content to their fiber and antioxidant properties, carrots are a valuable addition to any winter diet. So, why not roll up your sleeves, grab some carrot seeds, and get ready to enjoy a fresh and flavorful harvest this winter? 

plant swish chard in the fall to have a bountiful of winter harvest for your family

Swiss Chard

With a temperature is around 50-85°F (10-30°C). Seed harvest is around 30-60 days. There are several varieties of Chard and they all do well in the winter.

Swiss chard, also known as silverbeet or perpetual spinach, is a leafy green vegetable that is packed with nutrients. While many people associate gardening with the spring and summer months, there are actually several benefits to growing and harvesting Swiss chard during the winter.

Why should you consider growing Swiss chard in winter?

Growing Swiss chard during the winter months has several advantages. Firstly, Swiss chard is a cold-hardy plant that can withstand frost and even snow. This means that you can continue to enjoy fresh, homegrown greens even when other plants have withered away. Additionally, Swiss chard grows at a slower pace during winter, which can result in sweeter and more flavorful leaves.

Health benefits of Swiss chard

Swiss chard is not only a delicious addition to your meals, but it also offers numerous health benefits. Here are some reasons why you should consider incorporating Swiss chard into your diet:

1. Nutrient-rich: Swiss chard is a nutritional powerhouse, packed with vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like magnesium, potassium, and iron. These nutrients are essential for maintaining a healthy immune system and promoting overall well-being.

2. Antioxidant properties: Swiss chard contains antioxidants that help protect your cells from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. By including Swiss chard in your winter garden, you can ensure a fresh supply of these beneficial antioxidants.

3. Heart-healthy: The high levels of potassium and magnesium found in Swiss chard can help regulate blood pressure and promote cardiovascular health. Including Swiss chard in your winter meals can be a great way to support a healthy heart.

4. Digestive health: Swiss chard is rich in fiber, which aids in digestion and helps maintain a healthy gut. By harvesting Swiss chard from your garden during the winter, you can enjoy the benefits of this fiber-rich vegetable all season long.

How to incorporate Swiss chard into your winter meals

Now that you know the benefits of harvesting Swiss chard from your garden during winter, you may be wondering how to incorporate this versatile vegetable into your meals. Here are a few ideas:

1. Soups and stews: Add chopped Swiss chard leaves to your favorite winter soups and stews for an extra dose of nutrition and flavor.

2. Sautéed side dish: Sauté Swiss chard with garlic and olive oil for a simple and nutritious side dish that pairs well with any winter meal.

3. Salads: Use fresh Swiss chard leaves as a base for your winter salads. Its vibrant colors and crisp texture will add a refreshing element to your plate.

4. Smoothies: Yes, you can even add Swiss chard to your winter smoothies! Blend it with fruits and other leafy greens for a nutritious and energizing start to your day.

By harvesting Swiss chard from your garden during the winter months, you can enjoy a fresh supply of this nutrient-rich vegetable and reap its numerous health benefits. 

parsnips are an excellent vegetable to plant in the fall for winter harvest to provide fresh food for your family


Seeds can be planted Early September to the 1st week in October (seeds) Soil temperature right around 70°F is the best for seeds to germinate. Do check those seed packets! Each vegetable has a variety.

Why are parsnips valuable for a winter harvest?

Parsnips are a valuable addition to any fall garden because they thrive in cool weather and can be harvested throughout the winter. Unlike many other vegetables, parsnips actually improve in flavor after being exposed to frost. This makes them an excellent choice for those who want to enjoy fresh, homegrown produce even during the colder months.

Health benefits of parsnips

In addition to their delicious taste, parsnips offer numerous health benefits. They are a great source of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and helps maintain a healthy weight. Parsnips are also rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium. These nutrients support a strong immune system, promote bone health, and regulate blood pressure.

Ways to incorporate parsnips into your diet

There are countless ways to enjoy parsnips in your meals. Here are a few ideas:

1. Roasted parsnip fries

Cut parsnips into thin strips, toss them with olive oil, salt, and pepper, and roast them in the oven until crispy. These make a delicious and healthy alternative to traditional French fries.

2. Parsnip soup

Simmer parsnips with onions, garlic, and vegetable broth until tender. Then, blend the mixture until smooth to create a creamy and comforting soup.

3. Parsnip mash

Boil parsnips until soft, then mash them with butter, salt, and a touch of cream. This creamy side dish pairs well with roasted meats or poultry.

4. Parsnip chips

Thinly slice parsnips and bake them in the oven until crispy. These make a tasty and nutritious snack.

Planting parsnips in the fall is a wise decision for any home gardener. Not only do they provide a fresh and flavorful harvest during the winter months, but they also offer a range of health benefits. By incorporating parsnips into your diet, you can enjoy their unique taste and reap the nutritional rewards they provide.

Make sure that you get your planting seeds from a good source so that you will be able to enjoy a Bountiful harvest in the harsh cold winter. Always read the instructions on the packet and follow accordingly.

Some vegetables do well when they are planted late in the fall and can extend to give you a good supply of vegetables. Always take into account the Zone you live in as each Zone has different weather conditions and you need to put your time and effort understanding this.

It is a fulfilling experience to never have to run out of nutritious vegetables even during the winter season. Plan out your Winter garden in the fall. Make a note of what seeds or cuttings you will need and find the most economical way to get the required seeds.

Don’t spend time planting what you or your family don’t enjoy eating. Gardening during any season is a fulfilling experience and is a way to save time and money. Some of the herbs and vegetables also last after the winter has passed and if you have excess you can freeze them or can them for use throughout the year.

You know what you grow and you know that it is organic. Your health and that of your family is first priority, so as I mentioned, do check thoroughly the seed planting instructions on the packets and you will have an abundant harvest in the dead of winter.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Coach Trina @

Which Foods Last Longest In Your Emergency Food Storage

Building a food storage supply is a proactive step towards ensuring your well-being during an emergency situation. By selecting long-lasting foods like rice, dried beans, canned foods, pasta, and oats, you can create a reliable and sustainable emergency food supply. Remember to regularly check and rotate your food storage to maintain freshness and quality.

You’re going to need a stocked pantry to get through a long-term power outage. It’s not enough to buy what you need when you need it; instead, you should have a pantry full of food that will last for years.

You can’t just buy what you need when the lights go out—and there’s no guarantee that all your current supplies will still be available after an emergency situation or a natural disaster. 

When preparing for a long-term power outage, a natural disaster or an emergency situation it’s important to stock up on food, water and general supplies. 

What is Food Storage?

Food storage refers to the practice of storing food and beverages for future use. It is an essential part of emergency preparedness, ensuring that individuals and families have access to nourishing meals during times of crisis or when regular food supplies are limited.

Why is Food Storage Important?

Having a well-stocked food storage can provide peace of mind and help you and your loved ones stay prepared for unexpected situations. Whether it’s a natural disaster, power outage, or economic instability, having a supply of long-lasting emergency foods can make a significant difference in your ability to sustain yourself and your family.

What Foods Last the Longest in Emergency Food Storage?

When building your emergency food storage, it’s crucial to choose foods that have a long shelf life and can withstand varying storage conditions. Here are some examples of foods that last the longest:

rice is a great food storage item for emergency situations

1. Rice

Rice is a staple food that can be stored for an extended period. Both white and brown rice have a shelf life of up to 5 years when properly stored in a cool, dry place. It is a versatile ingredient that can be used in various dishes.

Rice is a staple in most pantries. It’s a good source of carbohydrates, fiber and vitamin B. It also contains manganese, selenium and zinc; all important nutrients for health.

The idea behind using rice for your food storage plan is that it lasts longer than other grains because it doesn’t need as much water to cook (some people think this makes them better prepared). You can make rice last by storing it in an airtight container or resealable plastic bag in the freezer until you’re ready to eat it—and if you don’t use up all that leftover cooked rice fast enough when reheating leftovers from another meal (and this will happen), then consider making some more!

dried beans are a great staple food for emergency food storage

2. Dried Beans

Dried beans, such as black beans, pinto beans, and lentils, are excellent sources of protein and can last for several years in storage. They are a cost-effective and nutritious option for your emergency food supply.

Beans can be a great addition to your food storage pantry. They’re a good source of protein, and they can be used in many different ways. Beans can be cooked like rice or potatoes, added to soups and stews for additional flavor, or used as an ingredient in breads and baked goods. They’re also an excellent source of iron that is easily absorbed by the body when consumed with other foods high in iron content like meat or fish; this means beans are great not only as part of your regular meal rotation but also during times when you’re feeling tired after working all day long!

Beans are also fairly versatile because they can be prepared without having any liquid added at all—just add them straight up into whatever dish needs flavoring before serving! For example: hummus recipes call for garbanzo beans instead olives since both have similar textures but pack different flavors depending on what type(s) were used; alternatively one could just opt out altogether since there won’t even need cooking either way.”

canned food is important to have in your survival food storage

3. Canned Foods

Canned foods, such as vegetables, fruits, and meats, have a long shelf life and retain their nutritional value. They are convenient and require no cooking, making them ideal for emergency situations.

Canned meats, poultry, and fish are good sources of protein. They can be used to make soups and stews. Canned meat is also an excellent source of iron and calcium.

This food has a long shelf life because it does not require refrigeration until opened or cooked. It’s best stored at room temperature in a dark area where it will stay fresh for up to 12 months

Canned fruits and vegetables are a great source of vitamins and minerals, which can help you get more out of your food storage pantry. They’re also versatile enough to be used as a base for many recipes—especially if you’ve got family members who like different flavors. Plus, canned fruits and vegetables last for years in the pantry!

They’re also high in fiber (as long as they aren’t packed with sugar), which means they’ll help keep your digestive system healthy over time.

Canned soups and stews are a good source of carbohydrates. They can be used to make a quick meal, or added to other dishes for depth of flavor.

Canned soups and stews are also an excellent source of potassium, sodium, fat and protein.

dried pasta is a great item to have in your emergency food storage supplies

4. Pasta

Pasta is a versatile and filling food that can be stored for up to 2 years. It is easy to cook and can be combined with various sauces and ingredients to create a satisfying meal.

Pasta is a good choice because it’s easy to store, transport and use. You can eat pasta cold or hot depending on your preference. It’s also very portable, so you’ll have no trouble taking some with you on your next camping trip.

If you’re looking for an all-in-one meal that doesn’t require much preparation time or skill level, look no further than dried pasta!

dried oats are a great added food for your emergency food storage

5. Oats

Oats are a nutritious and long-lasting food option. They can be stored for up to 2 years and provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Oats can be used for breakfast, baking, or added to soups and stews.

Building a food storage supply is a proactive step towards ensuring your well-being during emergencies. By selecting long-lasting foods like rice, dried beans, canned foods, pasta, and oats, you can create a reliable and sustainable emergency food supply. Remember to regularly check and rotate your food storage to maintain freshness and quality.

We hope you’ve found this list of emergency storage foods that last longest useful.  They are sure to help you get through a long-term power outage, emergency situation or natural disaster. 

Thank you for reading and please, share this blog post. 

Coach Trina @

The Most Dangerous Health Effects of Summer Heat

Summer is a time for fun in the sun, but it’s important to be aware of the potential health risks that come with the hot weather. In this blog post, we will discuss the most dangerous health effects of summer heat and how they can affect the body. We will also provide tips on how to prevent future damage and stay safe during the summer months.

sizzling summer heat can lead to many life threatening medical problems.

Heat Exhaustion: What Happens to Your Body?

One of the most common health effects of summer heat is heat exhaustion. When the body is exposed to high temperatures for an extended period, it can lead to dehydration and an imbalance of electrolytes. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include excessive sweating, dizziness, nausea, and fatigue. If left untreated, it can progress to heatstroke, a life-threatening condition.

Dehydration: The Hidden Danger

Dehydration is another significant risk during the summer months. When the body loses more fluids than it takes in, it can lead to a range of health problems. Severe dehydration can cause confusion, rapid heartbeat, and even organ failure. It’s crucial to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and avoiding excessive alcohol and caffeine consumption.

summer heat is hot and can destroy your health

Skin Damage: More Than Just a Sunburn

Excessive sun exposure can cause more than just a painful sunburn. Prolonged exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays can lead to long-term skin damage, including premature aging and an increased risk of skin cancer. It’s essential to protect your skin by wearing sunscreen with a high SPF, seeking shade during peak sun hours, and wearing protective clothing.

Respiratory Issues: Breathing in the Heat

The hot summer air can worsen respiratory conditions such as asthma and allergies. High temperatures and increased humidity can trigger asthma attacks and make it harder to breathe. It’s crucial for individuals with respiratory issues to stay indoors during the hottest parts of the day and avoid strenuous activities that can further strain the lungs.

keeping cool during the summer months could be the difference between life or death

Preventing Future Damage: Tips for Staying Safe

To prevent future damage and stay safe during the summer heat, follow these tips:

  1. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
  2. Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, especially during peak hours.
  3. Wear sunscreen with a high SPF and reapply it every two hours.
  4. Seek shade and wear protective clothing, such as hats and sunglasses.
  5. Limit outdoor activities during the hottest parts of the day.
  6. Take frequent breaks in air-conditioned or shaded areas.
  7. Use fans or air conditioning to cool down indoor spaces.
  8. Check on vulnerable individuals, such as the elderly or those with chronic illnesses.
have fun in the summer heat but take the right precautions in keeping your body safe

While summer is a time for outdoor activities and relaxation, it’s essential to prioritize your health and safety. The most dangerous health effects of summer heat, such as heat exhaustion, dehydration, skin damage, and respiratory issues, can have long-lasting consequences. By following the preventive measures outlined in this blog post, you can enjoy the summer while keeping yourself and your loved ones safe.

Feel free to comment below with questions or comments. 

Thank you for your time,

Coach Trina @

Top 13 Things People In Hot Climates Do To Keep Cool

We explored the innovative and resourceful ways that people in hot climates do to beat the heat and stay cool. Whether you’re enduring scorching summers, tropical climates, or desert landscapes, we’ve compiled a list of practical and ingenious strategies to help you beat the heat and maintain your sanity.

So grab a cold drink and get ready to discover the fascinating ways people around the world keep their cool when the temperature rises.

Here are the Top Things People In Hot Climates Do To Keep Cool

keeping cool  in summer heat with a hands free face fan

1. hands-free personal fan – worn around your neck that points TWO fans directly at your face. It’s basically your own personal cooling system that you can take anywhere you go. This is a perfect Portable Foldable Summer Air Cooling unit that Hangs around your Neck and this Fan is USB Rechargeable, Bladeless which is perfect for outdoor activities, gardening, Sports, Personal use, office use, home use, during workouts, etc.

a protective cooling hat is a great way to stay cool during the hot summer heat

2. An Arctic Cooling Hat with UV Protection – Beat the heat and have some outdoor fun with our Arctic Cooling Hat! Perfect for camping, hiking, hunting, or any of your summertime shenanigans. Plus, it’s equipped with a handy UV protection feature to help protect your head—and your health—from the summer sun’s rays. Now you can stay cool and protected from the blazing sun! Hydro Cooling Hat has an evaporative cooling liner to keep your head refreshed and a wide brim with UV barrier that blocks 99% of the suns harmful rays. Go get ’em!

Beautiful personal sun umbrellas created to provide shade even on the sunniest of days

3. personal umbrella – Protect yourself from the sun’s harsh rays while adding a touch of style to your outdoor space with this decorative sun shading umbrella. It’s uniquely designed to provide maximum shade and cover while celebrating your sense of style.

4. Dragoyle Thrive Racerback Tank Top –  Keep cool during hot summer days with this Dragoyle Themed go-to tank, made from our exceptionally soft poly-viscose blend, this women’s racerback flowy tank top is a flattering draped silhouette, round neck and racerback. Offered in a variety of solid, marble, neon and striped colors.

cooling wrist band to provide relief in the hot summer heat

5. Cooling Supportive Wristbands – Stay cool and flexible with our Cooling Supportive Wrist Band! Our wrist band provides gentle compression and adjustable cooling for maximum comfort and mobility throughout the hot summer days. Experience sustained relief from over heating, pain and fatigue with our cooling wrist band! 

cooling body roller brings great relief from the summer heat

6.  Body Massage Ice Roller With Sprayer – Discover the perfect combination of cool relief and soothing massage with the Body Massage Ice Roller With Sprayer. Easily relieve tension and tired muscles while enjoying a gentle massaging sensation. With its ultra-cooling features, this gentle and unique roller is perfect for post-workout recovery and everyday stress relief. Try it today for a truly invigorating experience!

comfortable beach socks can protect your feet from hot sand and rocks during sizzling summer hot days

7. A pair of protective beach socks – Stay comfortable and safe this summer by wearing our Non-slip Breathable Quick-Drying Beach Socks. With superior breathability and quick-drying technology, your feet will remain cool and dry all day long, while the non-slip grip prevents slips and falls! Enjoy the summer safely!

keeping cool in the summer heat is easy with these adjustable cooling misters

8. Outdoor Misting Cooling System –  Beat the summer heat with our Outdoor Misting Cooling System! Enjoy cooling relief – even in the hottest temperatures! Keep cool and comfy as you relax in your outdoor space. You can attach to your hose to keep you cool as you lounge poolside or in your backyard. Now THIS is truly the kind of simple luxury we need during super sticky days!

Keep your dogs feet safe from extremely hot asphault this summer

9. A set of Non Slip Heat protective Dog Socks – Dress up your pup’s paws with these Mountain Lake Non-Slip Dog Socks—the perfect combo of style and function! Let your furry friend join the fashion pack and stay safe on any surface with these paw-tastic socks! Keep your pup’s feet safe from rocks, glass and hot surfaces.  Don’t let your dogs feet get burned on extremely hot asphalt this summer. To keep your dog’s paws from getting damaged due to rough surfaces and hot pavements. If you wouldn’t want to go barefoot outside on a hot day, your dog doesn’t want to either!

pets get hot too, get this pet cooling mat to help your pet cool down during those hot summer days

10. Non-Slip Silk Pet Cooling Mat –  This Non-Slip Silk Pet Cooling Mat is the perfect way to keep your pet cool and comfortable. It’s made with a non-slip silk material that’s durable and safe for your pet. Plus, the cooling mat technology helps regulate your pet’s temperature for ultimate comfort. You’ll be finding your cats and dogs lying on all summer long because it feels between 5 and 10 degrees cooler than the room itself — all without having to be refrigerated.

rear seat vehicle fans for hot summer days so pets, kids and passengers stay cool

11. A set of Rechargeable Quiet Rear Seat Car Fans – Cool down on the go with this rechargeable car fan. The Quiet Rear Seat Fan features a USB rechargeable battery and quiet motor that won’t distract you while driving. Enjoy a comfortable ride on your road trips! Keep those back seat passengers cool during that sizzling hot summer heat. 

keeping cool in the summer heat is perfect with this yard sprinkler

12. Kids Space Rocket Sprinkler Spinner – your kids, dogs, and yes, even you will joyfully run through and play on to cool off on those scorching-hot summer days. Cool down on the go with this rechargeable car fan. The Quiet Rear Seat Fan features a USB rechargeable battery and quiet motor that won’t distract you while driving. Enjoy a comfortable ride on your road trips! Keep those back seat passengers cool during that sizzling hot summer heat. 

keeping your drinks and food cool during hot summer days

13. A  Thermal Insulated Cooler Bag – because you never want to be without ice cold beverages on a hot, humid day! Keep your food and drinks cool this summer with our Thermal Insulated Cooler Bag. It’s designed with two layers of insulation to ensure your items stay cool for hours during those hot summer days.

Thank you for visiting and please share this list with your friends and family.  Everyone deserves to stay cool during those sizzling hot summer days. 

To your good health,

Coach Trina @

6 Surprising Energy Drainers That May Be Causing Your Fatigue

In this blog we’ll discover the 6 Surprising Energy Drainers That May Be Causing Your Fatigue.  With the stressors of surviving life these days, its even more important to pay attention to what gives you energy and what is taking it.  Having a lack of energy can lead to depression, anger issues and developing health problems. 

life can cause stress, depression and zap you of all your energy

Sometimes, we can do everything right to manage our energy—getting quality sleep, staying hydrated, making time to rest—and still end up feeling exhausted. If you constantly feel drained, talk to your doctor to find out if an underlying health issue is the cause.

But if your fatigue is more of a blah feeling that comes and goes, it may be due to an unexpected source. Read on to find out if one of these six sneaky power zappers is causing your personal energy crisis.

Pushing Back Bedtime
Often, the very end of the day is the only slice of free time we can find in our busy days to do what we want to do rather than all the things we have to do for others. As a result, we stay up later than we should, even when we feel tired, as a way to reclaim time to get chores done, read, watch a movie, or work on a hobby. This phenomenon is known as “revenge bedtime procrastination.”

creating a bedtime is healthy and can reduce stress and increase energy

“While it may feel like a small act of rebellion against the demands of our daily lives, this habit can backfire and leave us feeling even more exhausted the next day,” says Annia Raja, Ph.D., a licensed clinical psychologist in Santa Monica, California. Over time, swapping bedtime for “me time” can lead to chronic sleep deprivation and kick off a vicious cycle of fatigue.

To combat this energy drainer, establish a consistent bedtime routine and prioritize adequate sleep. Also, try to find other times during the day when you can focus on the activities you enjoy most.

Toxic Relationships
Whether it’s between romantic partners, family, or friends, negative relationships and the stress they can cause can be mentally and physically draining.

Sometimes, the best way to cope with a toxic relationship is by ending it altogether. But that’s not always possible. If you’re dealing with a sticky relationship that leaves you feeling drained instead of energized, setting firm boundaries with the person and seeking support from the positive relationships in your life can help.

multi tasking is an energy drainer, causes you to not concentrate on what you are doing and causes you to make mistakes

In our too-much-to-do world, many of us have been guilty of trying to accomplish more in less time by doing several things at once. But in reality, multitasking can be more of an energy killer than a time saver.

Research suggests that juggling multiple tasks at once leaves you unable to give your full attention to any one task. This can lead to errors and a sense of frustration or overwhelm. Constantly shifting focus between projects can also lead to mental fatigue and burnout.

To combat the energy-draining effects of multitasking, prioritize tasks, focus on one thing at a time, and take regular breaks to recharge your mental battery.

Do you expect yourself to be a perfect partner, parent, friend, coworker, and neighbor? When we strive for perfection in everything, we can become hyper-focused on the details and lose sight of the bigger picture.

“Perfectionists set impossibly high standards for themselves and often criticize themselves harshly when they fall short,” Raja says. “This can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and self-doubt, which can drain emotional energy.” Instead of trying to do everything perfectly, lower your expectations and practice self-compassion.

virtual meetings can increase stress and make you tired

Virtual Meetings
Conferencing apps like Zoom and Teams are quickly becoming a mainstay of work life. While meetings are a workplace essential, back-to-back meetings—even virtual ones—can be tiring.

While many people joke about experiencing Zoom fatigue, this is an all-to-real phenomenon. A Stanford University study suggests that the presence of multiple nonverbal cues increases fatigue during video conferencing meetings.

To beat Zoom fatigue, try turning off your self-view during meetings. You can also limit the number of video meetings you have in a day and allow sufficient breaks between meetings.

Too Many Decisions
Every time we make a decision, our brains need to process information, weigh options, and evaluate outcomes. Over time, this can deplete our mental resources, leaving us exhausted and overwhelmed. Decision fatigue can also lead to indecision or procrastination, as we may become paralyzed by the fear of making the wrong choice.

To combat decision fatigue, Raja says, “Simplify your choices whenever possible and delegate decision-making to others.” You can also try streamlining routine decisions, such as what to wear or eat, and prioritize the most important decisions when your mental energy is highest.

self love

I hope this helps you to start making a shift in your daily routine, creating more time for yourself and increasing your much needed energy, so you can start Thriving in life. 

Thank you for reading and please share this blog.

Coach Trina @

10 Bizarre Habits That Are Making Millennials Rich

All three of my daughters are Millennials and I’ve been trying to figure them out since they were born.  Now that they are adults, I’ve notice a few things that you’ll appreciate about Millennials. 

Millennials, the generation born between 1981 and 1996, have often been labeled as lazy and entitled. However, this generation is proving their critics wrong by adopting some rather unconventional habits that are actually helping them build wealth.

In this blog post, we’ll explore 10 bizarre habits that are making millennials rich. These habits range from embracing minimalism to leveraging the power of technology, demonstrating that success comes to those who think outside the box.

  1. Embracing Minimalism:

Unlike previous generations, millennials are opting for a minimalist lifestyle. They are decluttering their homes, selling unnecessary possessions, and focusing on experiences rather than material possessions. By adopting a minimalist mindset, millennials are saving money, reducing stress, and investing in what truly matters.

  1. Side Hustling:

The economy has empowered millennials to pursue multiple streams of income outside of their regular jobs. Whether it’s freelancing, driving for ride-sharing or food delivery services, or selling handmade crafts online, millennials are hustling hard to supplement their primary income. These side hustles often turn into lucrative ventures, providing them with financial stability and even the opportunity to become their own bosses.

  1. Online Entrepreneurship:

Millennials are leveraging the power of the internet to start their own businesses. From e-commerce stores to online coaching and content creation, the digital age has provided millennials with endless opportunities. They are creating successful online brands, reaching global audiences, and generating significant wealth through various online platforms.

  1. Investing in Cryptocurrency:

Millennials are more open to exploring alternative investment opportunities, and one such avenue is cryptocurrency. This tech-savvy generation has embraced digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, recognizing their potential for substantial returns. By staying informed and making smart investment decisions, millennials have been able to accumulate significant wealth through the crypto market.

  1. Conscious Consumerism:

Millennials are increasingly aware of the environmental and social impact of their purchasing decisions. They support ethical and sustainable brands, which often have a higher price tag, but align with their values. This conscious consumerism not only helps millennials contribute positively to society but also encourages the growth of sustainable businesses and creates financial opportunities in these sectors.

  1. Renting Instead of Owning:

Unlike previous generations, millennials are not rushing into homeownership. Instead, they are choosing to rent and invest their money elsewhere. This allows them the flexibility to pursue new opportunities, relocate for better job prospects, and invest in other income-generating ventures. By focusing on building wealth through investments rather than tying it up in real estate, millennials are diversifying their financial portfolios.

  1. Leveraging the Sharing Economy:

Millennials are keen on sharing resources rather than owning them individually. They are using platforms like Airbnb and Uber to monetize their assets, such as spare rooms or their own vehicles. By participating in the sharing economy, millennials are tapping into new income streams while making efficient use of existing resources.

  1. Prioritizing Self-Care:

Millennials recognize the importance of self-care and work-life balance. They prioritize their mental and physical well-being, which ultimately improves their productivity and creativity. By investing time and money in activities that promote self-care, such as wellness retreats, fitness classes, and therapy sessions, millennials are cultivating a healthy mindset that contributes to their overall success.

  1. Remote Work and Digital Nomadism:

Millennials are embracing remote work and digital nomadism, which is a way of life where people who do not live continually in the same place, but move periodically, so they can take advantage of the flexibility provided by modern technology. They are no longer tied to traditional office spaces and can work from anywhere in the world. This lifestyle enables them to explore new cultures, lower their living expenses, and allocate more time to personal pursuits, all while maintaining a steady income.

  1. Seeking Financial Education:

Unlike previous generations, millennials are actively seeking financial education and taking control of their money. They are attending workshops, reading books, and following finance experts to learn about investing, budgeting, and wealth creation. This thirst for knowledge enables them to make informed decisions, avoid unnecessary debt, and build long-term financial security.

Millennials are breaking the stereotypes associated with their generation by adopting bizarre habits that are making them rich. From embracing minimalism and side hustling to leveraging the sharing economy and investing in cryptocurrency, millennials are redefining what it means to build wealth.

By thinking outside the box and embracing new opportunities, they are creating their own paths to success. So, if you’re looking for inspiration, consider incorporating some of these unconventional habits into your life and start your journey towards financial prosperity.

If you want more info or have other ideas that you would like me to write about, please let me know. 

Coach Trina @